30k: Exodus – How Good is This Horus Heresy Sniper?

horus heresy walpaper

Do you dream about sitting in silence only to take the single shot that ends the battle, but you don’t go in for the skin tight body suits of the Vindicare ?

If you do then Exodus might just be the right thing for you! This top of the range Alpha Legion Lone Ranger will have your enemies sergeants wishing they had really opted for the helmet look instead of the designer stubble…



Exodus (as pictured above) is most probably the codename for a single specialist killer within the Alpha Legions ranks. A ranged master of death that has some incredible abilities that you can utilise to pick off snowflakes and special weapons.

A toughness 4 with 3 wounds on a 3+ save does not a tough character make! However Exodus has a list of special rules as long as your arm to help with this He has infiltrate, scout, move through cover, acute senses, and he is wearing cameoline for that +1 improved cover save. All of this obviously sets him up well to stick to a good piece of terrain providing him with an adequate cover save and a good view of the battlefield. He also has a nice BS of 6.

You will need to make good use of infiltrate and scout to make the most of his 36 inch ranged gun whilst making sure he is not too exposed to the enemy. Potentially he has excellent viability as a controlling force with his fire lines affecting enemy movement.

Exodus has two special rules unique to him and then his glorious piece of wargear The Instrument, find out more below:

Lone Killer: Can never fulfil the compulsory HQ slot. At a cost of just over 100 points (by 3 meltabombs) he is cheap enough to squeeze into normal tournament lists (1750-1850) along with a cheaper HQ but he become all the more effective in an army above 2000 points where he can really compliment another HQ and the force as a whole.

Assassin’s Shot: Any to hit roll of a 4+ allows Exodus to choose who his shot hits. Obviously this can allow you to pick out sergeants and weaker independent characters but the real utility of this special rule is picking off those pesky special weapons like suspensor web missile launchers and melta guns.


The Instrument

This weapon has two different profiles. It can be fired as either:

Rapid Shot – 36″ Strength 5, AP4, salvo 2/4, rending

Which is great at plinking wounds of squads with the 4 shots, ignoring Solar Auxilia saves and having the potential to rend against 2+ saves.

Or it can be fired as:

Execution Shot – 36″ Strength 6, AP3, heavy 1, ignores cover, rending – Lethal Shot

Lethal Shot – Any unsaved wound caused by shooting attack causes 2 unsaved wounds instead.

This shot is excellent at taking wounds off larger creatures with 3+ saves where the extra strength helps greatly (looking at you mechanicum) or injuring sergeants. With rending always a possibility this can really ruin someone’s day if they fail that crucial save!

Overall: As a character I love Exodus, he fits the feel and ideology of the Alpha Legion particularly well. Unnamed and unknown and utterly replaceable while being incredibly lethal. However I feel that his rules, whilst good, aren’t enough to make me really want him in a force. I think that anyone who is aware of his capabilities will be sure to pick him off soon and he is unlikely to have a cover save adequate to really protect him and ignores cover AP3 isn’t all that rare these days (or those days I suppose in the 31st millennium…). To use him effectively requires you to have a well designed army which FORCES your opponent to very quickly apply target priority. For this reason I actually think Exodus and Armillus Dynat in an Alpha Strike army go very well together.

Your opponent would then have to address the danger in his own deployment zone very quickly which should hopefully allow Exodus to do his business very well.


Peace out,
