New Games Workshop Releases – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | May 29th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

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Games Workshop is bringing the hobby back this week folks. Come see GW’s newest product lineup of bases, and technical paints!


Source: Games Workshop

Sector Imperialis 60mm Round, 75mm Oval & 90mm Oval Bases $33


Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis gameboard, these highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the bikes, cavalry and monsters in your Warhammer 40,000 collection. You’ll receive 6 60mm Round bases, 6 75mm Oval bases and 6 90mm Oval bases – these moulded bases will help you theme your armies to match the Sector Imperialis!

Sector Imperialis 25 & 40mm Round Bases $33


Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis gameboard, these awesome, highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the infantry in your Warhammer 40,000 collection. You’ll receive 20 25mm Round bases and 20 40mm Round bases, with 32 extra skulls for decoration – these moulded bases will help you theme your armies to match the Sector Imperialis!


Sector Imperialis 32mm Round Bases $33


Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis gameboard, these highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the infantry in your Warhammer 40,000 collection. You’ll receive 60 32mm Round bases – these moulded bases will help you theme your armies to match the Sector Imperialis!

Sector Imperialis Large Base Detail Kit $33


Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis gameboard, the Large Base Detail Kit is perfect for large models such as the Imperial Knight Warden.

Contained in the box you’ll 72 bits of rubble, pieces that evoke broken examples from the Sector Imperialis gameboard, with skulls and aquilas adequately represented.


Metallic Paint Collection $45.50


Should be looking to paint great-looking metal effects on your miniatures, this is the bundle for you. A selection of metallic Citadel Layer paints and Gloss Shade paints, they’ll help you to get a shiny metal effect on any miniature you please. The seven included paints:

Skullcrusher Brass
Fulgurite Copper
Stormhost Silver
Liberator Gold
Nuln Oil Gloss
Agrax Earthshade Gloss
Reikland Fleshshade Gloss


Gemstone Paint Collection $18.50


Do you have gemstones to paint? This is the perfect paint bundle for you, containing every paint you need. A pot of the Stormhost Silver Layer paint and a pot each of Spiritstone Red, Soulstone Blue and Waystone Green – Citadel Technical Gel paints expressly designed to make gemstones glitter and shine!

Ready to base your army now?

Are Free Units Good or Bad for 40k? – Long War Podcast Episode 53