GW Hints New Tyranids Pre-Orders are Coming Soon!

tyranids-lore-wal-hor-banner-title-1GW dropped a bunch of hints that new Tyranids pre-orders are coming soon, and it seems to line up with the rumors we’ve heard.

It feels like we saw the models previewed quite a while ago, but it’s nice to get any hints at the release from GW. Luckily, we’ve seen some rumors about the pricing and release dates (which we’ll have below). However, this is 100% confirming anything, so take the rumors with as much salt as you need.

GW Hints New Tyranids Pre-Orders are Coming Soon!

The latest on the new Tyranids pre-orders comes from Warhammer Community.

Tyranids Pre-Orders Coming Soon

Local Enforcer precincts have informed us of a recent increase in public concern and dissent following the entirely planned shutdown of all astropathic communication to and from our planet. Please continue to ignore any and all malicious or seditious rumours circulating that nearby systems may have come under attack by some kind of xenos. 

In unrelated news, a compulsory draft of all service-aged citizens will begin this week.

This is quite tongue-in-cheek from GW, but they generally do something like this a little ahead of the release! From the looks of it, they are setting everyone up for a release of Tyranids very soon.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. At this time, you should regard your neighbours with suspicion. How many arms do they have, and is the answer “more than two”? How’s their hairline? Are those purple blotches hereditary, a chemical rash, or something more sinister? Have they attempted to hand you pamphlets filled with slander about your beloved planetary governor?

You know, when they start talking about the Genestealer Cults, that means the Nids aren’t far behind. Let’s hope it really is sooner than later!

While GW didn’t give any actual dates in the posts, luckily, we have some rumors to go on.

RUMORS: New 10th Edition 40k Tyranids Pricing & Lineup

These new 10th Edition 40k Tyranids miniatures rumors come from Bolter and Chainsword

Codex release is Sept 9th (preorder on the 2nd)

Genestealers are in set poses however the arms would be easily changeable with minimal green stuffing.
They also have two head options regular/biomorphed and ymgarl (you can make a whole squad of them)

Hormagaunts come with a ripper base and have 14 head options. But frustratingly lots of mould lines.

The norn emmisery is big but only 1 and a half sprues.

Lictors come with 3 options. The main arms are in 5 pieces each.

Neuro lictor is pretty small pose should be same price as parasite

Deathleaper is a lit bigger than expected and on 60mm base

1 lictor per kit

Biovore 30 GBP
Lictor 30 GBP
Neurolictor 25 GBP
Norn Emissary 70 GBP
Stealers 32.50 GBP
Horms 30 GBP

So, the pre-order hitting on the second would make sense with the rest of the rumors we’ve heard. The other rumors point at the Cities of Sigmar hitting at the end of August, and this leaves the door open for the beginning of September to finally focus on the Tyranids.

tyranid genestealers

It would make sense that Genestealers are in set poses, and nice that you can make full squads of Ymgarl. We’re not sure about the Hormagaunts having a lot of mold lines, but let’s hope this is wrong, as cleaning off mold lines from small minis is never fun…

lictorLictors will have three different build options, and getting all of them in one box is always good, but five pieces for one arm seems pretty crazy. The rest aren’t too crazy, but it is important to note these rumors don’t include the Termagants with weapons box, so maybe they will come out later with a second wave.

new termagaunts

It’s quite common for GW to do the new army releases in more than one wave, so it doesn’t really hurt the rumors too much. Either way, it would be great to finally see the first 1oth Edition 40k army drop early in September! 

RUMORS: New Tyranids Miniatures Pricing & Lineup

The latest pricing rumors come from Bolter and Chainsword.

New Tyranids pricingThese are rumored to be the GBP prices, and most seem close to what we would expect to see from a retail price in USD. Now, let’s compare some prices with what the US prices would look like through Games Workshop’s currency arbitrage:

New Tyranids pricingHonestly, these line up pretty well, and when switch from the UK version of the GW store to the US one. Again, nothing too crazy for 2023 pricing, but maybe the biggest possibility to be more would be the Genestealers, as most new kits of bigger infantry are running for $60, such as all the Space Marine stuff, but this GBP price seems to indicate they may be $55.

Compare these two sets of prices to Biovore’s retail price rumor above:

New Tyranids pricing 2


New Tyranids pricing 3It looks like many of the prices will fall in this $50 range, which makes sense with the scale and compared to the first kit when compared to both versions of the Games Workshop site.

However, recently, we’ve only seen the Hand of the Archon priced at $55 for an infantry box. So there is a big chance we see the more typical $60 pricing for Genestealers, and it might actually be a £37.50, but again, we’ll have to wait and see. 

Be sure to check out the rest of the new Tyranids miniatures that were revealed for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, as this list is missing the new Termgants with special weapons.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the 10th Edition 40k release and pricing rumors for the Tyranids? 

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