GW Reveals New 10th Edition Tyranids Codex Detachments

new-tyranids-Neurotyrant-rules-warhammer-40kGW promised each 10th Edition codex would come with plenty of detachments, and here’s a first look at the new rules for Tyranids!

While Games Workshop said each codex would give you more detachments, it’s nice to actually see them! This is not only good news for Tyranids players but for everyone who currently dislikes their faction’s current detachment rules!

Each Detachment offers your army unique benefits: a Detachment rule, four Enhancements, and six Stratagems. While some factions will find that the Detachment from their Index changes slightly when their Codex arrives, this is not the case for the Invasion Fleet, which functions exactly as it does now. 

So the new Tyranids codex will contain rules for a whopping six detachments, each with four enhancements and six stratagems! So, chances are each new 10th Edition 40k codex book will follow a similar pattern and have 24 enhancements and 36 stratagems to keep track of.

If you want to see all the upcoming Nid releases, be sure to check them out here.

Let’s jump into all the new rules.

GW Reveals New Tyranids Codex Detachments

The new Tyranids detachment, enhancement, and stratagems rules come from Warhammer Community.

In addition to the familiar Invasion Fleet Detachment, there are five more to choose from. For the Tyranids, these represent the various ways that a hive fleet wages war over the course of their invasion, and today we’re declassifying some vital Ordo Xenos intel on how they work.

The six Tyranids Detachments for 10th Edition 40k are:

  • Invasion Fleet (same as index cards)
  • Crusher Stampede 
  • Vanguard Onslaught
  • Unending Swarm 
  • Assimilation Swarm 
  • Synaptic Nexus

GW mentioned the existing Invasion Fleet detachment will act exactly like it does now, so onto the new stuff.

Tyranids Codex Detachments

If you like your bio-monsters large and stompy, you’ll be glad to see the return of the Crusher Stampede. This Detachment powers up your big beasties once they start taking damage, and they’ll be able to take plenty of it now that MONSTERS and VEHICLES are much tougher overall.

Crusher Stampede is back! Once your giant monsters get hurt, they will be much more accurate and even wound their enemies better!

If you’re going with the Crusher stampede, you’ll want all the big monsters.

Tyranids Codex Detachments 2

With army construction being much easier in the new edition, you can now fill your force with all the Carnifexes, Mawlocs, and Tervigons you’d like, and it’s a doddle to make sure that every unit on your side of the battlefield benefits from the new rules. Don’t worry about having fewer miniatures on the board to contest objectives – the Ominous Presence Enhancement shores up the OC stat on your Characters.

While the big monsters already have a lot of OC, you can make it so one of your monsters puts in overtime scoring objectives!

Vanguard Onslaught Detachment Rules

Tyranids Codex Detachments 3

As you might expect, these sneaky critters specialise in assassinating key enemy units with blistering assaults. VANGUARD INVADER units also include most flying creatures, as well as Broodlords and Genestealers, so even if stealth isn’t your cup of tea, you’ll have plenty of lightning-fast bruisers to pick from.

If you want to run your army up the board (or fall back) and charge, this is the detachment for you! You can even take a Deathleaper as your Warlord, so there are even more list-building options.

Tyranids Codex Detachments 4

Just imagine the new Winged Tyranid Prime barrelling towards your opponent’s Warlord with the Chameleonic Enhancement keeping it safe and the Assassin Beasts Stratagem in your pocket.

Giving a unit both stealth and constant cover is no joke. This should make a vulnerable unit able to make it to combat.

Tyranids Codex Detachments 5

Each Detachment puts a wildly different spin on your battle plans and – since they’re not locked to any particular hive fleet – you can chop and change which one you’re using whenever you like. Perhaps you flood the board with an Unending Swarm of ENDLESS MULTITUDE infantry, build a devouring Assimilation Swarm around a brood of hungry, hungry Haruspexes, or unleash the power of the Hive Mind itself in a Synaptic Nexus.

Last but not least, for 1 CP, you can snipe off characters in combat with this Vanguard Onslaught stratagem!

tyranids detachments rules

Each Detachment puts a wildly different spin on your battle plans and – since they’re not locked to any particular hive fleet – you can chop and change which one you’re using whenever you like. Perhaps you flood the board with an Unending Swarm of ENDLESS MULTITUDE infantry, build a devouring Assimilation Swarm around a brood of hungry, hungry Haruspexes, or unleash the power of the Hive Mind itself in a Synaptic Nexus.

Sure, the Tyranids army will have more detachments, but these previews are a solid look at the book so far!

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