How To Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Create Your Own Space Marine ChapterPeachy is back with another tutorial, this time on how to create and paint your own Space Marine Chapter- check it out!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making excellent YouTube tutorials! They also have a cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out by clicking here!

This week, he’s back, showing us some excellent tips, tricks, and ideas on how to not only think up your own chapter but actually paint them! He really goes into the lore side of things, as well as the color choices; that way, you can start from scratch!

How To Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 1To start, you have to pick a color scheme! The first thing you could do is go on the GW website, pick a color scheme, and invert it. Like with the example above, you could flip the Ultramarine with the Stormcast and paint it mainly gold, with blue trim.

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 2Next, you can use a color wheel to pick out your colors; there are tons of videos on how to pick colors. But a basic rule is to pick a color, and the complementary color will be on the opposite side of the wheel. Then, try to pick a similar gradient; if you pick something too different, it will be hard to pull off.

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 3Don’t forget, you need some test models. He has years of experience, so it was easier for him, but don’t be afraid to do a few test models to make sure it looks good. When you just pick a pre-made color scheme, an artist has taken the time to make a good color selection, so don’t be worried about getting inspiration from artwork, comics, etc…

Naming Your Chapter & Making Lore

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 4This is the tricky part, as you want to pick something that sets the lore and gives your army some confidence! You kind of want to go with pre-made ideas and add your own flare, something like the Lions of Terra. Then add in part of your scheme; since they are going with flame colors, he’s choosing the Angels of Immolation.

For lore, you first need to pick a place where they are from. Then, you can use the battles and planets from that area to give them background. After that, you can give them goals based on where and who they are protecting or hunting! Now, let’s see how to paint their custom chapter!

Painting Your Custom Chapter to Tabletop Ready Standard

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 5He starts by spraying the whole model white and then picking out all the black with Black Legion. He’s doing this on an entire box, so he’s doing one color at a time on each model. After that, he goes back with White to clean up any of the areas where he overbrushed. For all the accent areas, he hits them with Deep Orange, things like knee pads, shoulder pads, and the head. Then, do all the brown details with Brown Leather.

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 6For all the clothes and parchment, he basecoats all them with Grimy Grey. Then, for the metal, he paints the silver details with Oily Steel and the gold with Bronze. For the red details (like the purity seels), he uses Dirty Red. To dirty up the white and orange, he washes on a very watered-down coat of Soulblight Grey. After that, he hits the parchment with Seraphim Sepia to give it some depth.

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 7To finish off the tabletop standard, he washes down the weapons with Nuln Oil. For any glowing bits, he just does a thin layer of Striking Scorpion Green over white. This is to get them to a tabletop standard, but you can always go further!

Adding More Details

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 8The first thing to do is add a bit of a pop to the orange areas with Deep Orange again. For the skin, he does another layer of Cork over the top and highlights it with Radiant Skin. He uses the same color to highlight the orange here as well. For the clothes, he just comes back with Grimy Grey and relayers on the raised areas. To highlight the cloak and red, he does a quick highlight of Blood Red. If you want to add some chipping, you can just sponge some white on top and finally do some battle damage with Ash Grey. He next goes and does the vehicles and dreads the same scheme, but you can check out the video for all those details below.

Adding Company Markings

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 9To fit them into the codex, you’ll have to add some markings. However, most Space Marines have their company markings on the shoulder pads, but he’s going to do this on the knees to set them apart a little. He simply does the markings with white over the orange. You can decide what type of markings you want. The next part is the helmets. He pics orange for the first company and black for the sergeants.

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 10He’s going one step further and adding a freehand Chapter Icon, but you could always find a decal you like and use that instead, especially if you’re not sure about your freehand skills.

Finished Chapter

Create Your Own Space Marine Chapter 11There you have it, a super fast method to make an awesome-looking chapter that you can be proud of.

Be sure to watch the video below for all the details!

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