More Battlescribe 10th Edition 40k Data Updates are Here

battlescribe-9th-edition-40k-pointsThe Battlescribe data team is not slowing down as more 10th Edition 40k data updates are rolling in; check it out!

Things looked grim for BattleScribe in the new edition as the data maintainers said there was a chance the data wouldn’t get updated at all with the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rules.

Then, on July 25th, 2023, the app’s data was updated and working for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k! While there were a few issues with the Battlescibe app, they are constantly working on the data to get things entirely correct.

However, without the developer doing much for the app, the data team can only keep their side of things updated the best they can.

More Battlescribe 10th Edition 40k Data Updates are Here.

If you want to see the updates for the 10th Edition 40k Data used by Battlescribe, check out their Facebook.

Battlescribe 10th Edition 40k Data UpdatesAs you can see, they are making little changes almost every day to the data set, so if you see something wrong in the data, chances are they are working on changing it.

However, you can always go to Facebook to report bugs or issues with the current data. This is excellent news, as GW has just announced the paywall date for their army builder. So, while this data is not 100% perfect now, the updates are coming in quite often, meaning it should have everything in there soon.

The data also works with a few other army builders, which is good as the data set will eventually outpace the capabilities of the Battlescribe app, and with the developer not making changes, it will eventually fall behind.

Battlescribe Data Maintainers Issue New Warning

battlescribe-9th-edition-40k-pointsHere is the latest from the Data Maintainers after we spoke about the 10th Edition update:

NewRecruit and BlueScribe are the primary intended use platforms, (Warhammer 40k) 10.0 initial release was made as compatible as reasonably possible with Battlescribe, but will have issues on older mobile devices with low RAM due to known defects with the app. 

The data standard will evolve to enable new capabilities, and if Battlescribe does not update to handle those changes then it will eventually break.

Forces (iOS/Android app) is also nearing rollout of a roster builder and should also be full functionality. 

We’ve talked a lot about the issues the data team has had with the Battlescribe developer, as he supposedly does nothing with the app, and it’s almost fallen apart a couple of times.

The Data Maintainers have been talking about making an open-source app, and it looks like they are moving in that direction with Bluescribe and working with New Recruit. So, if you want to use something that won’t break throughout the edition, check out those army builders out here!

Alternative Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder Apps

What do you think about the BattleScribe data maintainers and other 10th Edition Warhammer 40k army builders as they move towards open-sourcing? 

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