40k Kill Team Night Lords Nemesis Claw Review

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Unleash the Night Lords (Nemesis Claw) in Warhammer 40k Kill Team with assembly tips, the release date, guides, and tactics to make your squad terrifying!

Warhammer 40k Night Lords Nemesis Claw Kill Team: Building, Release Date, & More!

Kill Team Nightmare night lords

When it comes to terror in Warhammer 40k, nobody does it quite like the Night Lords. These charming chaps are less about noble warfare and more about turning their enemies into screaming wrecks while wearing someone’s skin as a cape. If you’re into the whole “fear as a weapon” vibe, this Kill Team is your backstage pass to some good, old-fashioned Chaos brutality—complete with spikey armor, lightning bolts, and more trophies than a serial killer’s basement.

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Introduction to the 40k Nemesis Claw Night Lords Kill Team Upgrade Sprue

Night Lords LoreThe galaxy’s most infamous sadists are back in a big way, and they’re bringing all their terror tactics to Kill Team. Yes, the Nightlords have returned to the tabletop, ready to haunt the battlefields with their signature style of flayed flesh, fearsome helmets, and just the right amount of spooky edge. For those familiar with the Warhammer 40k lore, the Nightlords are the perfect marriage of macabre theatrics and brutal efficiency. This new Kill Team upgrade sprue from the Nightmare box takes everything fans love about these Chaos Marines and cranks it up to eleven.

This kit takes the already solid Chaos Space Marine models and gives them a full wardrobe of terror. The sprue is loaded with all the bits and bobs needed to turn a regular CSM into a Night Lords nightmare, including winged helmets, chain glaives, and even a nice cape made of someone’s skin (perfect for any fashion-forward heretic). The sprue doesn’t just add bling; it offers serious narrative potential, allowing you to truly reflect the twisted nature of the VIII Legion.

And while the Night Lords get their time in the grimdark spotlight, rumors are swirling about the other half of this Kill Team box—none other than the elusive Mandrakes of the Drukhari. These shadowy assassins have been long overdue for an update, and this could signal something bigger on the horizon for Commorragh’s most enigmatic cutthroats. But for now, it’s the Night Lords’ turn to spread some fear.

The Release & Date of the Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Nightmare Box Night Lords Vs Mandrakes

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

kill team nightmare nemesis clawIf there’s one thing that sends a chill down the spines of Warhammer players, it’s a new Kill Team box that promises both brutal gameplay and killer models. Enter Kill Team: Nightmare is the latest release that’s packed with enough grimdark horror to make even the most hardened heretic crack a smile—or a skull. The 40k Kill Team Night Lords box had a release date of May 2024. This box pits the 40k Night Lords (the Nemesis Claw) against the sinister Mandrakes of the Drukhari in a showdown that’s all about fear, shadows, and a lot of flayed skin.

For Night Lords fans, this release date of the kill team is the moment they’ve been waiting for. The Kill Team: Nightmare box doesn’t just give you another chance to cackle maniacally as you build your squad; it also comes with an upgrade sprue designed to finally do justice to the VIII Legion’s spooky reputation. From bat-winged helmets to chainswords festooned with ribcages, this box oozes character (and possibly blood) with every component. Even better, the new Nemesis Claws kill team includes operatives that are packed with unique gear and abilities, perfectly reflecting the Night Lords’ penchant for psychological warfare.

But the Nightlords aren’t the only ones getting a fresh coat of nightmare fuel. The Mandrakes, notorious for their eerie hit-and-run tactics, are sporting a brand-new kit as well. These shadowy Drukhari are known for phasing in and out of reality, making them the ideal creepy counterparts to the terror-focused Night Lords. For players who’ve been itching to bring these ghostly assassins out of the Finecast wilderness, this box is the answer to their whispered prayers.

What’s particularly exciting about this release is the balance between the two forces. The Night Lords may excel at striking fear into their opponents, but the Mandrakes are just as skilled at disappearing into thin air and reappearing where you least expect them. It’s a match made in the warp: shadows versus shadows, fear versus fear. The result is a Kill Team set that feels like a proper clash of nightmares, with plenty of room for players to get creative with tactics, modeling, and painting

What’s Included in the 40k Night Lords Upgrade Sprue?

kill team nightmare night lord sprue 1 nemesis claw

kill team nightmare night lord sprue 2

kill team nightmare night lord sprue 3Component Breakdown

Let’s talk bits—because this sprue is brimming with them. Here’s what you’re getting:

  • 15 Heads: From fully helmeted terror masks with bat wings, to grim visages half-hidden under hoods or skull masks.
  • 2 of Nemesis Claw: Spindly, talon-like blades for those who prefer their kills up close and personal.
  • 1 Nostraman Chain Glaive: A weapon that’s both deadly and stylish, perfect for slicing through armor and striking fear into the hearts of lesser mortals.
  • 1 Stitched Skin Cape: Because what’s a Night Lords leader without a dramatic flourish of torn flesh billowing in the wind?
  • 11 Shoulder Pads: Including ones marked with the Nightlords sigil, plus more gruesome variants adorned with flayed skin and jagged hooks.
  • 1 Corpse-Bearing Icon Pole: Nothing says “We’ve come to kill you and wear your skin” quite like an impaled body used as a banner.

These bits make it easier than ever to take the base Chaos Space Marine kit and build a squad that’s uniquely Night Lords. Every detail adds to the narrative, with each gruesome trophy and serrated edge speaking volumes about the character wielding them.

Customization Options

kill team nightmare night lord sprue 5 nemesis claw

This upgrade sprue is a game-changer for Night Lords players who want more than just generic Chaos Marines. The kit’s flexibility allows you to fully lean into the Nightlords’ lore. Whether you’re aiming to create a Screecher with those iconic lightning claws or a Skin Thief draped in stitched flesh, there’s plenty of room for personality.

kill team nightmare night lord sprue 4 nemesis claw

The Ventrilokator, with its voice-stealing puppet, offers a particularly creepy narrative twist, while the Skin Thief carries a chainglaive that’s perfect for butchering in style. Even better, the various heads give your models the distinctive terror masks that the VIII Legion is known for, ensuring they stand apart from their Chaos cousins.

Building your Night Lords team isn’t just about slapping on some spiky bits; it’s about creating characters with their own twisted stories. Perhaps your champion wields a ribcage-encrusted chainsword as a grim memento from a particularly brutal campaign. Or maybe your icon bearer’s cape is stitched together from the hides of rival Space Marines, reminding all who see him of the Night Lords’ favorite pastimes. Whatever direction you go, this sprue makes it easy to capture the sinister spirit of Nostramo.

Kill Team: Nemesis Claw Box Set Release & Date


Kill Team Nemesis Claw and Datacards

Buy Kill Team Here

The Night Lords have always been that special kind of evil. The kind where you start wondering if maybe there’s such a thing as too much murder and terror. Enter the Nemesis Claw kill team—a pack of 10 Heretic Astartes who don’t just indulge in violence; they practically bathe in it. The Night Lords Nemesis Claw kill team stand-alone box set had a release date of October 5th, 2024.

The Nightlords Chaos Space Marines are masters of psychological warfare, specializing in causing as much terror as possible before a single shot is fired. Their raiding parties, the Nemesis Claws, take this to the extreme, with their particular brand of slaughter being as vicious as it is methodical. They, too, make their first solo debut with this release, and just like their Drukhari counterparts, they come with a unique token sheet and a 34-card Datasheet deck. Whether you’re building them as specialists or as your regular dose of corrupted Astartes, you know you’re in for a blood-soaked ride.

New Rules & Abilities for the Night Lords Nemesis Claw 40k Kill Team

Night Lords 40k Kill Team nemesis clawWhen it comes to the Night Lords in Kill Team, it’s not just about looking terrifying (though they certainly excel in that department). These twisted sons of Nostramo have a gameplay style that blends shadowy stealth and sudden, brutal violence, just as you’d expect from the galaxy’s most notorious sadists. Let’s crack open the toolkit and see what these macabre marines bring to the tabletop, from sneaky faction rules to spine-chilling ploys.

Faction Ability: In Midnight Clad

If the Nightlords had a motto (other than “let’s see how much skin we can flay”), it would be something like, “Why fight fair when you can fight from the shadows?” Enter their faction ability: In Midnight Clad. This rule keeps them hidden when they need to be, offering a nice twist for a squad that prefers to terrorize from the darkness.

So how does it work? When your operatives are in concealment, near cover, and at a decent range from the enemy (over six inches away), they count as Obscured. This makes it harder for enemies to draw a bead on them unless they’re uncomfortably close. On maps packed with cover—think dense urban ruins or claustrophobic space hulks—this ability can turn the battlefield into a nightmarish playground for your killers.

However, it’s not without its limits. Open maps or zones with sparse cover leave your team in the lurch, forcing you to close distances fast or suffer the consequences. Plus, factions with enhanced visibility (like Pathfinders) or elite firepower (hello, Phobos Marines) can make this ability less reliable. That said, when used right, In Midnight Clad lets you pick when to strike, setting the stage for devastating ambushes.

Operative Roles and Special Characters

Night Lords 40k Kill Team nemesis clawNow that we’ve looked at how they stay hidden, let’s meet the gory gang bringing the pain. The Night Lords roster has some standout characters, each adding their own sadistic flair to the mix.

First up, the Visionary. This is your leader, and he’s more than just a pretty face (though that’s debatable, depending on how much flayed skin he’s wearing). His key talent is Prescience, an ability that lets him generate tokens for various nasty tricks—like skipping enemy activations or shrugging off hits. Getting a couple of these tokens in your pocket can really mess with your opponent’s plans.

Then there’s the Skin Thief. This guy is every bit as horrifying as his name implies. Armed with a chainglaive, he can rip through flesh and then curse nearby enemies, stopping them from performing critical actions. Imagine your opponent’s face when they realize their key operative can’t hold an objective or even pick up a relic.

Finally, we have the Screecher. This lightning claw enthusiast is all about shredding opponents in close combat. He’s especially good at finishing off weakened foes, becoming even deadlier as enemies take damage. And as a bonus, he reduces the combat skills of nearby enemies, making them easier to carve up.

Tactical Ploys and Strategic Advantages

No good Kill Team is complete without some underhanded tricks, and the Nightlords have plenty.

Nightmare Manifest is the bread and butter for any Night Lords player. It allows your operatives to either shoot twice or fight twice in the same turn—perfect for delivering a sudden blitz of violence. Whether you need to clear out a swarm or hammer down an elite target, this ploy is a game-changer.

Then there’s Vox Scream, a tactical ploy that will make your opponent reconsider all their life choices. For a single command point, you can deny an enemy activation, forcing them to pick another model instead. This little gem escalates in cost each time it’s used, but it’s well worth it to ruin your opponent’s perfectly planned sequence.

And we can’t forget We Have Come for You. This ploy piles on extra mortal wounds when you charge into combat. It’s fantastic for tipping the scales in a duel or ensuring a key target goes down fast. Just imagine the satisfaction of landing a brutal strike and watching as the last sliver of your opponent’s hope slips away.

Equipment and Loadout Options

Night Lords 40k Kill Team nemesis clawWhen it comes to kitting out your Night Lords, it’s all about enhancing their natural talents. Here are a few must-have pieces of gear:

  • Flayed Skin: This gives your operative the ability to block rerolls from enemies within three inches. It’s especially handy when facing off against opponents who rely on consistency in close combat.
  • Chain-Snare: Perfect for locking enemies in melee range. With this, you can stop a sneaky sniper or troublesome objective-grabber from escaping, allowing your nastiest melee specialists to go to work.
  • Grisly Trophy: This one’s for those who want to double down on psychological warfare. With it, nearby enemies suffer penalties, making it easier to dominate the battlefield.

Comparing The 40k Night Lords Nemesis Claw to Other Kill Teams

Kill Team NightmareThe Night Lords aren’t just about looking terrifying while reciting goth poetry in the shadows; they also bring a unique tactical flavor to Kill Team that sets them apart from other Chaos forces. Whether you’re used to running standard Chaos Space Marines or are curious about how these flayed freaks stack up against the competition, let’s get into the gritty details of where the Night Lords Nemeis Claw shine—and where they might just get caught out in the open, staring awkwardly at the sunlight.

Strengths and Weaknesses

When compared to their Chaos Space Marine brethren, the Nightlords aren’t as straightforward as, say, the Iron Warriors or Word Bearers. Instead of relying on sheer brute force or overwhelming zealotry, they focus on stealth, fear tactics, and calculated strikes—more hitman than berserker.

So, what do they do well? For starters, these guys are masters of psychological warfare. Their unique faction abilities let them manipulate the flow of combat, using concealment to stay hidden while picking the perfect moment to strike. Thanks to their In Midnight Clad ability, they can avoid enemy fire while lurking in cover, creating some real headaches for teams that rely on long-range dominance. Maps with lots of terrain—ruined cityscapes, cramped space stations—are their playground. The more cover, the deadlier they become.

However, they’re not without their downsides. For all their spooky theatrics, Night Lords Nemesis Claw still have the same basic limitations as most Chaos Space Marine teams: they’re a small, elite force, which means every casualty stings. Unlike some factions that can throw wave after wave at the enemy, losing a key Nightlords operative can quickly leave you outmaneuvered. Plus, on open terrain with limited cover, they’re at serious risk of being outgunned before they can close the gap and do what they do best—carving up opponents at close range.

Where other Chaos forces might rely on pure strength or volume of attacks, the Night Lords Nemesis Claw demands finesse. You’ll need to think a few steps ahead, leveraging their stealth to set up decisive ambushes and controlling the tempo of the battle. Fail to do so, and they’re just spooky guys in blue armor getting shot to pieces from a distance.

Best Matchups and Counter Strategies

Kill Team PathfindersSo, who do the Nightlords like to pick on? They’re happiest going up against low-morale teams or factions that struggle with elite, stealthy opponents. Teams like Astra Militarum or Drukhari can find themselves in a world of pain when Nightlords are in play, especially on terrain-heavy maps. Against horde factions, their psychological tricks and deadly melee abilities can cause chaos—literally—by breaking the enemy’s cohesion and punishing isolated models. A few well-placed terror tactics can turn a straightforward firefight into a desperate scramble as enemies struggle to hold objectives while getting picked off one by one.

On the other hand, facing teams with strong long-range capabilities or units that can ignore stealth, like Pathfinders or Phobos Strike Teams, can be a nightmare (for you, not your opponent). These factions can strip away your cover advantages and reduce your operatives to smoldering heaps before they ever get into stabbing range. The trick in these matchups is to stay unpredictable—use every bit of cover, lean heavily on ploys like Vox Scream to disrupt key activations, and strike hard once you’re close enough to do real damage.

When it comes to countering heavy hitters like Custodes or Death Guard, it’s all about precision. You’re not going to win by going toe-to-toe in a straight-up brawl, so focus on isolating targets and exploiting weaknesses. Nightlords have the mobility and stealth to outmaneuver slower, bulkier enemies—use it. Keep your distance until the moment’s right, then swarm isolated models and take them down with surgical precision.

Rumors and Future Speculations

Kill Team Nightmare mandrakesWhen it comes to Warhammer 40k, rumors and leaks spread faster than a Chaos corruption. And lately, the whispers aren’t just about the Nightlords. There’s plenty of chatter surrounding a certain sinister bunch of shadow-dwelling murderers: the Drukhari Mandrakes. Could these elusive assassins be getting their much-deserved glow-up? Let’s take a look at what’s brewing in the dark corners of Commorragh and beyond.

Mandrake Rumors and Potential Drukhari Refresh

Drukhari MandrakesFor fans of the Drukhari, the Mandrakes have always been that cool yet underappreciated unit. Creepy, stealthy, and packing some serious otherworldly heat, these ethereal killers are perfect for players who enjoy lurking in the shadows and striking when least expected. But here’s the catch—they’ve been stuck in Finecast limbo for what feels like an eternity. If you’ve ever tried to get your hands on them, you know the struggle is real. You might as well be hunting for an artifact from a lost craftworld.

That’s why the rumors of a shiny new Mandrake kit are buzzing in the community. The current speculation is that these new sculpts will be plastic (finally!), and come with more dynamic poses and options. Think more shadowy menace, less awkward resin limbs. If the leaks are anything to go by, these updated Mandrakes could be not just a Kill Team menace but a major piece in a wider Drukhari refresh.

And speaking of that, let’s talk about the wider implications. If Games Workshop is showing this much love to Mandrakes, what else might they have planned for the Drukhari? Vect fanatics have been screaming into the void for an update, and the existing range—while still stylish—has a few kits that could do with a touch-up. New Mandrakes could be a harbinger of more to come: sleeker wyches, sharper incubi, and maybe even a return of some long-lost characters. A broader Drukhari update could shake up the meta and put the Dark Eldar back in the Kill Team spotlight.

Community Reactions and Expert Opinions

drukhari dark eldar hor wal clip art featured 2Naturally, the community has a lot to say about these Nightlords and Drukhari rumors. On the one hand, people are hyped to see the Nightlords get their due after being sidelined for so long. The upgrade sprue alone has folks ready to whip out their brushes and start slapping on some midnight blue and lightning bolts. The vibe from most fans is a mix of excitement and cautious optimism—excitement because the sculpts look amazing and caution because, well, we’ve all been burned by limited stock releases before.

Over in the rumor mill, Drukhari fans are less cautious and more demanding. There’s a growing impatience for official confirmation on the new Mandrakes. Some hobbyists have even put their proxies and conversions on hold, waiting to see if GW finally makes their Finecast nightmares disappear for good. And if these new Mandrakes are as customizable and dynamic as hinted, we could see a resurgence of Drukhari forces both in Kill Team and regular 40k. It’s a big deal for a faction that’s often overshadowed by flashier armies.

What about the experts? Competitive players and lore aficionados alike are keenly interested in this release. On one side, strategists are calculating how these new kits and rumored rules could affect the game—especially in Kill Team where precise unit dynamics matter most. On the other, lore junkies are speculating about where these releases fit into the broader narrative. Are the Nightlords ramping up for some new galactic mischief? Could this be a sign of darker things stirring in the Webway?

How to Build & Paint Your 40k Night Lords Nemesis Claw Kill Team

Nemesis ClawSo, you’ve got your hands on the Nightlords Kill Team upgrade sprue, and now it’s time to assemble these gothic horror enthusiasts into a force that’s both terrifying and beautiful. Whether you’re new to the dark arts of building and painting or you’ve been through a few blood-soaked campaigns already, this guide is here to help you avoid common pitfalls while crafting a team that looks like it just stepped out of Nostramo.

Building Tips and Assembly Advice

Nemesis Claw 2When building your Night Lords Nemesis Claw, there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to avoid gluing your fingers together (again) or ending up with models that look like they’re more likely to trip over their own chainswords than scare the enemy.

First, let’s start with the basics. When you’re assembling these models, take your time. The upgrade sprue is packed with intricate details, and the last thing you want is to lose a tiny flayed skin or winged helmet to the hobby room carpet. Have some tweezers on hand for the fiddly bits—trust me, they’ll save you a lot of frustration.

Nemesis Claw 3For characters like the Visionary or Skin Thief, make sure you’re dry-fitting pieces before committing with glue. The poses are dynamic, but that means certain pieces (like those iconic capes or weapons) can block other parts if you’re not careful. Dry-fitting also lets you see how best to pose your operatives for maximum intimidation factor—because what’s the point of being a Night Lord if you don’t look scary while doing it?

One common pitfall is the balance between aesthetics and practicality. It’s easy to get caught up in slapping every trophy and skin cape onto your models, but don’t forget that these guys need to fit on a Kill Team board. If you overload them with too many spiky bits, they might struggle to hide behind terrain—or worse, they’ll topple over mid-game. Use the more over-the-top components wisely, saving them for your key operatives.

Lastly, consider magnetizing weapon options. The sprue has a lot of cool choices, but you might want to swap them out depending on your strategy. Magnetizing gives you flexibility and helps future-proof your models for any new rules or playstyles that might emerge.

Painting Guide for Night Lords

Nemesis Claw 4When it comes to painting Night Lords Nemesis Claw, you want that perfect blend of midnight gloom, bloody accents, and just the right amount of macabre flair. Here’s how to achieve that classic, grimdark look.

Start with the armor. A deep, rich blue is your foundation. Citadel’s Nightlords Blue is the go-to here, but if you want a slightly darker tone, mix in a touch of Abaddon Black for extra shadow. Once your base layer is down, edge highlighting with Fenrisian Grey or Thunderhawk Blue adds that chilling contrast that makes the armor pop. For those signature lightning bolts, use a fine detail brush and practice on some spare sprues before committing to the model—nothing says “Nightlords” like jagged streaks of white-blue across a dark background.

Nemesis Claw 5Next up is the trim and details. Gold or brass works well for contrast. Retributor Armour followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade or Nuln Oil gives a suitably tarnished look. For the skin trophies and capes, go for sickly flesh tones like Pallid Wych Flesh, shaded with Reikland Fleshshade and highlighted with Kislev Flesh. The goal is to make it look like these guys are wearing someone’s face, which, well, they are.

Blood splatters are a must, but less is more. Use a toothbrush or old brush to flick Blood for the Blood God onto weapons and capes, focusing on areas where the carnage would logically collect. You want them to look like they’ve been busy but not like they tripped and fell into a vat of red paint.

Finally, finish with a dark, matte varnish to keep everything suitably grim and moody. The Nightlords are not shiny, happy people—they’re the stuff of nightmares, and their paint job should reflect that.

Warhammer 40k Kill Team Nightmare & Nemesis Claw YouTube Unboxing Reviews:

If you’re looking for unboxing reviews for the Nemesis Claw, Drukhari Mandrakes, or Kill Team Nightmare on YouTube, be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the new box set at the links below:

Final Word: Is the 40k Night Lords Nemesis Claw Kill Team Worth the Investment?

kill team 40k nightmare mandrakes night lordsIn Kill Team, where each squad is a reflection of both strategy and style, the Night Lords Nemesis Claw offers something truly unique. Their gameplay revolves around stealth, terror, and sudden violence, making them a blast to play for those who enjoy outmaneuvering their opponents and delivering well-timed strikes. The release date of the 40k Kill Team upgrade sprue not only adds that signature Night Lords flair but also lets you build a squad that oozes personality (and maybe a bit of blood).

But are they worth it? If you’re into grimdark horror and want a Kill Team that can both terrify opponents and look good while doing it, absolutely. Their rules are fun, their models are dripping with character (sometimes literally), and they stand out in a world where brute force often takes center stage. For fans of the dark, gothic aesthetic and twisted lore, the Nightlords are more than just another squad—they’re a chance to indulge in the nastiest, spookiest side of the 41st millennium.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the Warhammer 40k Kill Team Night Lords Nemesis Claw box, upgrade sprue, release date, and rules?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!