Upgrade Your Tyranids Battleforce With this Basing Bundle!

onslaught swarm basing bundleMake your Tyranids Christmas Battleforce look amazing with these new Onslaught Swarm themed bases from Elrik’s Hobbies!

If you’re grabbing a new army for 40k (or just expanding your army), why not go the extra mile and get some great-looking bases as well?

These sets come in all the perfect sizes, so you don’t have to think about what to buy. Just click which one you need, and bam, you’re good to go, well, at least for the army box!

If you aren’t feeling Nids, Elriks’s Hobbies has all kinds of amazing-looking bases to really make any army look the best they can; check out some of their other releases here.

For now, though, let’s focus more on these new bases!

Onslaught Swarm – Christmas 2023 Bundle: $51.75

Tyranids Christmas Battleforce BasingThey have seven different styles to choose from, so they can fight on almost any world you want them to!

Tyranids Bases 4Here are the specs on the bases:

All bases needed for the Warhammer 40K – Tyranids Onslaught Swarm – Christmas 2023 bundles set.  This set includes:
(20) 28.5mm
(10) 32mm
(2) 40mm
(1) 60mm
(1) 100mm

Bundles are available for Alien Diamond Plate, Alien Invasion, City Ruins, Scorched Earth, Siege Works, Steel Invasion, and Urban Invasion.

Tyranids Bases 2All the versions of the bases look great, but the Alien Invasion bases might be our favorite for the Tyranids! Don’t worry, though, if you have more than just the Battleforce; they have all of the sizes you could need for a Tyranid army.

This means you could have an entire Tyranids army with amazing bases!

That does it for this one. Now stop staring and get some amazing new bases for your army!

Click Here to Get Your Tyranids Bases!