Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines Kit: Unboxing & Build

Ooh Rah UnboxingWargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines kit makes perfect alternatives for Imperial Guard miniatures; check out the possibilities in our unboxing!

This week we are cracking open the Wargames Atlantic new set to see how they look, plus get some ideas for what all they can be used for. Imperial Guard is always fun to play, and with this set, you can make an affordable army with these great minis!

Rob will show you everything the models come with, how long they take to build, and how easy the conversions are. That way, you can decide if these boxes are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines Kit: Unboxing & Build

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah MarinesThe nice thing about this kit is you can do a ton of different builds, save money the more you buy, and even get free shipping to the States for over $50.

You can make these with a ton of different looks, and they are one of the easiest boxes they have to just port right over into 40k

Wargames Atlantic site 2Looking at Wargames Atlantic’s site, they have all kinds of cool sci-fi minis but tons of historical stuff. They also distribute to tons of stores throughout the world, so if you want to support your local store as well as them, you may also be able to pick these up locally!

You can find all of the stores that carry WGA on their easy-to-use store finder.


Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 3You get 24 miniatures in the kit with a few variations of this sprue. There are a ton of great bits, different weapons, and an insane number of heads. The detail is great on all the bits, and with so many parts, you can really make a lot of options.

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 4The heads might be the best part of the sprues, as they are the perfect size for 40k, and you could swap out an entire army if you wanted.

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 5Then, the torsos have flat shoulders, so you could use some of the Cadian arms (leftover ones) to convert these up in no time.

Built Models

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 6They go together quite quickly, and you can make some pretty crazy poses and such with them. You can see the torso comes with extra packs and such on it, meaning you don’t have to spend time gluing on extra bits.

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 11You can make them at the ready or walk along firing like this model.

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 7This is the heavy weapon guy, and the pose looks awesome, but you could always glue on your extra 40k bits here too if you dont like the styling.

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 8The Sergeant is pretty dynamic, and if you remember G.I. Joe, he looks like he could be put right in the show!

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 9They also come with the kneeling sniper, but you could always just give him a standard gun.

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 10As you can see, they are perfectly sized for Warhammer 40k and Imperial Guard. Plus, with how the arms and heads are made, you could easily convert up a ton with these.

Final Thoughts

Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines 2If you’re thinking about playing Imperial Guard, you need a ton of infantry, and these are so much cheaper (especially if you buy more than one set at a time) and look just as cool. So, if you want to find an alternative, you really can’t go wrong with this set!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the insight!

Click Here To Get Your Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah Marines!

Have you used these in your 40k games yet? Will you be picking any of these up?

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