Warhammer+ Plus Price Jump: Get the Scoop Now!

Warhammer + plus announcementGW just warned some subscribers that a Warhammer+ Plus price increase is on the way right when free access is being removed from the army builder app.

We’ve talked a lot about whether Warhammer + is worth it; however, at least now, they have had a couple of years to put out shows. So there is more to watch if you subscribe now in 2023.

Another upside of this is they aren’t increasing the yearly subscription price.

Unfortunately, this is also happening when their army builder app is going to a paid service. Luckily, there are plenty of list builder apps out there that are still free, which you can check out here. For now, though, let’s break down the increase and if it’s worth it.

Warhammer Plus+ Price Increase Incoming

warhammer plus increaseFor customers in the UK, the monthly Warhammer+ Plus sub is going up by £1 per month, but as we said, the yearly price (£49.99) will remain the same. Now, this gives you some more value, as you still get the exact same stuff for the same price as before.

One thing to note here, they didn’t give an exact number for other countries’ prices. It does say local currency equivalent, so we’re not sure if this will increase the cost to $6.99 (a dollar more each month) for the US or if they will do a straight currency conversion (it would be about $7.50 if they do that) or choose to not increase any sub-levels outside of the UK.

There was already a lot of debate about whether this was worth the price or not, and now with the price increase, it gets even a little more contested. As we said, though, getting Warhammer Plus will be the only way to get the Battleforge list builder function on the 40k app. 

However, there is financial value if you sign-up on the launch anniversaries of the Game Workshop releasing Warahmmer+ Plus, which may make it worth it for some hobbyists. From product vouchers to the opportunity to purchase an exclusive miniature, the value is there for collectors and hobbyists alike.

As with anything, vote with your hobby dollars! If this has value to you, sign up; if it doesn’t, don’t spend the extra cash. 

Click Here For Free Alternative Warhammer 40k Army Builder Apps!

Will you be sticking with Warhammer+ Plus after the price increase?

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