Games Day 2010 Coverage- Forge World Badab Previews

By Rob Baer | August 23rd, 2010 | Categories: Forge World, Games Day 2010, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

Hey guys, this is a joint article Big Red and I did over at BoLS. The full video of the whole Forge World preview display case is at the bottom.  Be sure to check it out.  Enjoy- MBG

Big Red: Well, we got a bunch of pics of the Badab War minis and the cover shot of the upcoming book from Forgeworld unveiled at Games Day North America 2010.  Lets jump in:

Lufgt Huron in termy armor
Further word has IA 9-10 Being Badab and IA:11 being the Eldar vs Space Wolves and IG on an arctic world and will feature the upcoming Phantom Titan.  Sorry for you general 40K/WFB fans, but in the non-Forgeworld department, nothing was reveiled at the event.