40k Beerhammer Missions, Part Deux

By Meeker | October 8th, 2011 | Categories: Meeker, Missions, Rogue Trader Tounament, Warhammer 40k News

Hey all. This is Meeker with some more missions. This Sunday at FTW Games, we are running our second Beerhammer at 1500pts. Warhammer and Beer. Perfection. Listed below are the scenarios that I’ve brewed up. All in all, they are meant to be fun and easy enough for a drunk person to understand.
For this Beerhammer we are introducing an alternate roll-off. If both players agree to participate, you and your opponent may purchase identical drinks and chug-off. The person that finishes their drink first is the winner and may choose to go first or second.

Mission One: One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
Start: Both players roll off. The winner may choose to go first or second.

Deployment: Pitched

Mission: Kill points

Mission Rules
The following rules are in effect.
•Seize the Initiative

Special Rule
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer: At the start of the first turn, each player gets one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer…in game of course. If you want the real thing, take a minute and head over to the bar.

One Bourbon: One use only. Ignore any one failed save. Bad to the bone baby.

One Scotch: Scotch, scotch, scotch! I like scotch. One use only. Re-roll any one d6 or make your opponent re-roll any one d6.

One Beer: One use only. Beers finish smooth or bitter. After any roll of yours, replace any one d6 with either a 1 or a 6. Beer is good…and stuff.

Victory Conditions
Massacre: You have at least seven kill points more than your opponent.
Major Victory: You have at least five kill points more than your opponent.
Minor Victory: You have at least three kill points more than your opponent.
Draw: You have less than three kill points more than your opponent.

Battle Point Modifiers
+1 You had more real drinks than your opponent (yes non-alcoholic drinks counts too…except water).
+1 Your opponent used all of his three in-game drinks before you did.
+1 Your cheapest unit survived the game. If several units tie as the cheapest, they must all survive.
+1 You bought your opponent a real drink of any kind…except water.

Mission 2 Puke and Rally
Start: Both players roll off. The winner may choose to go first or second.

Mission: Objectives. Place one objective in the middle of the table. Place one objective in the middle of each table quarter.

Deployment: Spearhead

Mission Rules
The following rules are in effect.
•Seize the Initiative

Special Rule
Puke and Rally: Your boys have been partying hard. They’re partying a bit too hard in fact which can only lead to one thing…

Puke: At the start of each turn roll a d6 and subtract the turn number. On a roll of 0 or less, your army pukes. Needless to say, its very messy and the primary reason Space Wolves don’t wear helmets. For that player turn, all of your units count as being -1 WS, BS, I, and A to a minimum of 1. Vehicles suffer an additional automatic glancing hit. Once an army pukes it may not puke again.

And Rally: In your player turn after your army pukes, all units may add 1” to all movements (including running). This movement is free and does not affect your units.

Victory Conditions
Massacre: You control all five objectives.
Major Victory: You control four objectives more than your opponent.
Minor Victory: You control two or three objectives more than your opponent.
Draw: You control less than two objectives more than your opponent.

Battle Point Modifiers
+1 You had more real drinks than your opponent (yes non-alcoholic drinks counts too…except water).
+1 Your army puked during your first player turn. Hahaha. Lightweight.
+1 All of your scoring units survived the battle.
+1 You bought your opponent a real drink of any kind…except water.

Mission 3 Blackout! *hiccup*
Start: Both players roll off. The winner may choose to go first or second.

Mission: Place one objective in the middle of the table. The objective must be at least 2” tall.

Deployment: Pitched

Mission Rules
The following rules are in effect.
•Seize the Initiative

Special Rule:
Blackout!: You and your opponent’s armies are a little inebriated. Decision making is not at its best and for the most part your armies have blacked out. Instead of controlling the objective like they’re supposed to, they are trying to do as much damage and vandalize it as much as possible. *sigh* Threat the objective as T6 and a 5+ invulnerable save with ∞ wounds and eternal warrior. The objective may never be removed from play or moved.

Victory Conditions
Massacre: You inflicted 30+ wounds on the objective
Major Victory: You inflicted 20-29 wounds on the objective
Minor Victory: You inflicted 10-19 wounds on the objective
Draw: You inflicted  less than 9 wounds on the objective.
Note: Both you and your opponent can score victories.

Battle Point Modifiers
+1 You had more real drinks than your opponent (yes non-alcoholic drinks counts too…except water).
+1 You inflicted no wounds on the objective with shooting attacks.
+1 You destroyed at least five enemy units.
+1 You bought your opponent a real drink of any kind…except water.

As always, let us know what you think. Feel free to take these missions, tinker with them and make them your own.

About the Author: Meeker