White Dwarf w/ Chaos Space Marines Review

Well the new White Dwarf hit over the weekend, and as expected it was all about the new Chaos Space Marine models, and the magazine’s new redesigned format.

Wow what do you think about those Chaos Space Marines minis?

Personally I’ve never seen so many hobbyist split about the look of a new models before. It seems from everyone that has written in, or that I have talked to, opinions are almost as divided as a presidential election!

Back to the White Dwarf though; sure this issue was mostly about the new Chaos Space Marines, but the magazine is self got a facelift as well!

Internet debates aside about which older version it resembles most, I think we can all agree that the new White Dwarf has a very retro look, which seems to fit right in with the larger than life internet lifestyle that’s the norm these days.  Spreads of multiple picture segments, and head shots preceeding stories definitely give the magazine a “Facebook feel” to it, I think.

Then there is the red accenting all over the magazine, which reminds me of Game Workshop’s so called “Red Period” in the early nineties, where everything had red from the books to the figures. Don’t get me wrong, it was cool, but it dated the material for sure.

The new article segments seemed relevant to the subject matter, and executed well. I think I counted a possible twelve new articles that could be revolving monthly features if they follow the same formatting issue to issue.

I liked the new multi-shot battle report, with post-battle interviews with the players, and non-participants (apparently rolling lots of ones is not just limited to occurring within the United States either).

The conversion, and paint articles were also well done, with big shots, and small sequential shots of the subject matter all where they were needed.

I also liked (advertisement aside) how they explain that the paint articles are to be used in conjunction with the Citadel How To Paint Book, so that way they don’t have to explain stuff like how to dry-brush every issue. This way it’s straight content.

New shiny things aside, this issue didn’t feel forced at all like last issue, which I felt came off as just a big advertisement for Dark Vengeance, and nothing more.

Other than that, there was plenty on Chaos Space Marines! After checking out the models I still am on the fence about some, but I’m liking most of them. Let’s hope the new Finecast releases were molded well, and the best of their stock wasn’t used for the examples shown in the magazine.

For a chuckle, you may want to checkout my video where I attempt to murder/ incinerate a Finecast Huron Blackheart model here.

Be sure to take a look at my video review below, and if you happen to want any of the new Chaos Space Marines, check them out on advanced order here.

What do you think about the new White Dwarf Format? -MBG