40k Review- Forge World Imperial Armor 2 SM War Machines

The newest Imperial Armor Book is HERE; Imperial Armor Two, War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes!

Right on the heals of the controversial 40k Escalation supplement, this edition of Imperial Armor collects the rules and fluff for most of the popular Space Marines and Sisters of Battle Forge World kits.

It was also the first Imperial Armor book written with the new Escalation rules in mind, featuring a selection of the new Lords of War units for use in games of 40k.

Written by Andy Hoare with Alan Bligh and Neil Wylie, the book itself is over 250 pages long, and contains over 40 different vehicle rules (including variants).

It also contains a special appendix containing nearly twenty Legacies of Glory Vehicle Upgrades that you can purchase for your war machines!

But what I like most about this book is the depth of background information on particular vehicle types (such as the iconic Land Raider), and the mix of both old and new photography.

The side cut away views of how each vehicle type works, was also a very nice touch to this volume as well.

All in all it’s a very neat book, and a definite must have for all Space Marine and Sisters players.
That’s it for this one guys. Be sure to checkout my video review below on the new book, and visit the blog for over a hundred other unboxing and review articles as well! -MBG