40k Imperiad 2014 GT Top 3 Lists 7/27

By Rob Baer | July 30th, 2014 | Categories: Top 10, Uncategorized


Hey guys the Imperiad 2014 Grand Tournament was held over the weekend at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC. 

Here’s the top 3 1850 point army lists from the event.

First Place goes to Stephen Fore (Juice) with


Hive Tyrant with Wings, Devourers, and Electroshock Grubs

Hive Tyrant with Wings, Devourers, and Electroshock Grubs

Hive Tyrant with Wings, Devourers, and Electroshock Grubs

Hive Tyrant with Wings, Devourers, and Electroshock Grubs

Tervigon w/Crushing Claws


Termagants x30



Skyshield Landing Pad

Second Place goes to James McCoy with

Eldar (Iyanden)/ Inquision

Wraithknight (Warlord)


Warpspiders x10

Firedragons x5 Wave Serpent w/Holofields

Wraithguard x5 Wave Serpent w/ Holofields

Guardians x10 Wave Serpent

Guardians x10 Wave Serpent

Swooping Hawks x6 Greneade Pack


Henchmen 3x Heavy Bolters, 2 Jokeros, 3 warriors

Henchmen 3x Warriors


Third Place goes to Spikey Bits’ MBG with


Necron Overlord: warscythe; mindshackle scarabs; sempiternal weave; resurrection orb; phase shifter
Catacomb Command Barge
3 Crypteks: 3× Harbinger of the Storm

Necron Overlord: warscythe; mindshackle scarabs; sempiternal weave; resurrection orb; phase shifter
Catacomb Command Barge
3 Crypteks: 3× Harbinger of the Storm

5 Necron Warriors
• Night Scythe
5 Necron Warriors
• Night Scythe
5 Necron Warriors
• Night Scythe
5 Necron Warriors
• Night Scythe

9 Canoptek Scarabs

3 Canoptek Spyders
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge