Get Yer TYRANIDS Rules Here

By Rob Baer | November 8th, 2014 | Categories: Tyranids, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Looks like Games Workshop has giveth, and the new Tyranid Toxicrene / Maleceptor rules are available for download.

Good on them for the support? Check out the details below, courtesy of BoLS.

Your eyes are not deceiving you!  Look at the freebies GW put up today.

So this looks to be the start of an ever expanding page for Black Library.  It would appear that the solution to releasing new units not in existing codices had to be solved.

We start off today with the Maleceptor and Toxicrene, and I would expect all the other Tyranid Wave 2 bugs to show up here as well.

GW is stuck in a limbo between Privateer Press’ “cards with every model” model that relies on Faction books only for completeness, and the addition of cool extras, and their own GW codex-centric model.  The problem of course is that you can’t rely on people having to track down rules in old White Dwarfs months from now, and selling mandatory digital dataslates for new unknown models would almost certainly diminish sales.

So we get these. Praise the Omnissiah!