NEW RELEASE LIST & PRICES – Blood Angels and Smaug

By Rob Baer | November 29th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Tabletop history is being made in December with an unprecedented new release line-up for Blood Angels / Warhammer 40k.

Plus a rumored $500 Smaug Dragon model and more Hobbit releases.

Let’s dive in.

First off we have the release list for December 13th (my birthday TYVM). I’ll be honest when I first read these rumors I thought they were bunk, based on the last few years of Games Workshop release activity.  But times are definitely changing….


via Faiet‘s Source

Week 1 Blood Angels

Codex: Blood Angels hardback 112 pages $49.50
Blood Angels Tactical Squad 10 miniatures $43
Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest 1 miniature $30
Datacards: Blood Angels 7 psychic powers 36 tactical objectives $10
Sons of Sanguinius: A Blood Angels Painting Guide paperback 176pgs $33
Blood Angels Dice available while stocks last 10 dice in tin $17
Mephiston Red Spray basecoat $18
Codex: Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition slipcase with prints and accessories online only $165

Smaug 1 miniature online only $490
Bard the Bowman with Windlance 1 miniature $40
Lake-Town Militia Captain 1 miniature $20
Lake-Town Militia Swordsmen 3 miniatures $25
Lake-town Militia Bowmen 3 miniatures $25
Lake-Town Militia Spearmen 3 miniatures $25

A codex release almost a week into December is pretty much unheard of for GW.  Quite an interesting change from the norm.

Also, speaking of unusual – a $490 online store ONLY miniature of Smaug is maybe the oddest miniature release I’ve ever seen from GW.  This is just the weirdest upcoming week in GW memory…


Then we have the rules for Smaug. In White Dwarf 44 it drops the news that there will be a Hobbit Supplement in issue #46 curiously slated to release the same week as these new Hobbit and Smaug release.

Faeit is also reporting that there will be Smaug rules in this supplement as well.

All these threads are converging at the same point, so I’m down to put the most likely stamp of approval on this week’s round of rumors!

Is change in the air at Games Workshop HQ, and are the Necons next? Stay tuned true believers…

While you’re here, check White Dwarf #44 and the Deathstorm preview below in our latest video review. -MBG