WHITE DWARF PICS – Malekith & The End Times III

By Rob Baer | November 18th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The White Dwarf Cover’s been leaked and it looks like Malekith rides again!

Is the End coming for the Elves or will the unite and preserve over of the forces of Chaos led by the chose of Khorne?

The stage has been set from the End Times Book I, checkout the recap from yesterday here.


Personally I’m not sure why GW would showcase an older sculpt like that, when we’ve gotten so many other cool models out of the End Times so far.

Hopefully there’s some better looking releases hiding inside that issue!

Finally, here’s today’s GW “secret End Times message:

“The cast of players will assume their roles. Only through their sacrifice will Isha’s children be saved.”