40k MISSING – New Plastic Eldar Jetbike Shelved?

By Rob Baer | January 6th, 2015 | Categories: Dark Eldar Drukhari, Eldar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Do you remember that new plastic Eldar Jetbike Jes Godwin showed off a few years back?

It has, from what I recall, been almost two years since that picture, and we have never seen it released.

eldar jetbike new

To be fair though it may have something to do with the whole Chapterhouse copyright case, as the preview broke right around the same time Games Workshop released the plastic Thunderwolves and Tervigon kits.

So was this bike shelved forever, or will we see it now that Games Workshop and Chapterhouse have settled in court?

It’s entirely possible, I suppose, that this kit may form the backbone of the rumored Harlequin release for February.


Either way I think the bike featured in these photos seems to be a great looking model that deserves to see the light of day!