Two BIG rumors hit today, and if you’re a Chaos player, you’ll love them both.
First up is news of a ‘Khorne Codex’ (similar to the leaks from last weekend about cult troops), and a multi variant Bloodthirster kit to boot!
via Arthurius11 1-11-2015
The main purpose of this khorne codex is to ride in the slipstream of End Times 5, which will be released earlier in march, with the “headline”-release of the new Bloodthirster (builds 3 variants)….The bloodthirster apparently looks great with various head and weapon options.
The Archaon book will bring some more khorne stuff with a new unit as well….I heard there could be an old special character possibly getting a new model, it’s possible it could be a dual kit with the bloodthirster….And Skarbrand. Assume he would dual kit with blood thirster but not 100%
then Harry chimes in:
Except this one was designed and sculpted by Jes Goodwin.
The Jes Goodwin? That comment is coming from Harry who has a great track record for his news/rumors!
So now the big question becomes what’s that third unit option is going to be after the generic Bloodthirster and Skarbrand?