More 40K Assassins Leaks!

By Larry Vela | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Officio Assassinorum, Warhammer 40k Rumors


ImperialAssassins (1)

Plastic Assassins are coming in the new boxed game.  Here are today’s leaks.

Here’ the latest info doing the rounds:

via Sad Panda on 4-19-2015

Miniatures are not snap fit, but the game(s) in the box(es) is(are) definitely more board-game-ish, played on 2D card-board tiles.

via Colonex_Kex on 4-19-2015

New assassin models!!!
Caught a glimpse of next weeks white dwarf cover and NEW ASSASSIN MODELS!!’ All 4 of them get new models introduced in some sort of either minigame or spece hulk like boxed game. They looked awesome!!!



WD Teaser:


“Can You Save the Galaxy?”  Apparently GW meant saving the galaxy from criminals who need assassinating – not from Horus…

Atia from Bolter and Chainsword: 4-18-2015

ok guys, here’s a little teaser of next week from me:

“fear, stealth, rage, precision”

you will get more information @ monday 🙂

“We do not determine the guilty; we do not decide the punishment; we are merely the cold instruments of the Emperor’s vengeance. There is no form of death unknown to us; there is no form of terror beyond our means; there is no enemy outside our reach. We are the blade that hovers over the throat of the traitor; we are the bullet that awaits the heretic’s skull; we are the poison in the throat of the alien.”

you will get a teaser video at monday 🙂

From Hastings a while ago:

Assassins Standalone box game, on sale for a few months, then models become part of the 40k range.

via Bird in the Trees 4-18-2015

4 Assassin models in the box, one for each temple.
Various non-imperial opposition models.
A board game in the general style of Space Hulk.

Full Assassins Roundup

~ I wonder how much this will cost?