NEW TITANS – Two Knight Variants Uncovered

By Rob Baer | April 21st, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


forgoten knight walpaper

Just when you thought the release rumors couldn’t possibly get any stranger…

Checkout what Atia ‘the cyber sleuth’ found – Codex Cult Mechanicus may be packing some serious heat!

B&C’s Atia 4-20-2015

it looks like two new Knights will be part of this release:

For those of you who don’t remember, the Wardens (aka Castellans), and Crusaders were the large slow, and heavily armored and armed versions of Knight Armors.  Basically the polar opposite of the light and speedy Knight Lancers.  They hail from waaaaaaaaay back in the days EPIC, and people have been wanting to see them make the jump to 40K since the first Knights were announced.

WD181-Imperial-Knights-2 WD180-Imperial-Knights

Full Cult Mechanicus Roundup

~Plastic Knights are coming in hot!