Depends on who you ask the Wave Serpents are still ‘good’ but this list uses another skimmer to do work on the tabletop.
What Eldar armies will we see on the table top starting next week? Here’s another first look list that seems both competitive and easy to play – the perfect storm for most players and hobbyists.
Veteran of the Long War ‘Knight 12’ is back with this fresh army list!
Eldar Skimmer Spam 1850
Wind Rider Host
Farseer on Bike
Warlock on Bike
Vyper with 2 Shruiken Cannons (new tech)
3 Units of Three Jetbikes
Two Wraithknights with Ghostglaive and shields (taken as Auxiliary Wraith-Construct selections from the Craftworld Warhost).
Two Hemlock Wraithfighters (taken as Auxiliary Wraith-Construct selections from the Craftworld Warhost).
6 Forge World Hornets
Looks like another brutally effective and seemingly easy to play list to me! Those Hornets can put out a torrent of S8 AP2 shots at 48 inches
Be sure to checkout a hard counter army list in Goatboy’s Xenos Dreamcrusher HERE. ‘Immobilized’ Results wreak havoc on flyers now, and with the Ultramarine doctrines re-rolling ‘snap fire’ they can do the lords work on both flyers and monstrous creatures alike!