REVEALED – Cult Mechanicus Model Pictures!

By Rob Baer | April 29th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

admech wlapaper

Checkout those amazing tracked models, and new robots we’ve been hearing about for weeks. The Pictures are HERE!

Looks like Captain Citadel has been right on the money with his rumors of the new Cult Mechanicus models!

A post in this week’s White Dwarf has what looks to be the entire ‘Mechanicus’ line of miniatures;

Via Imgur

ad mech back ad mech poster

cult mechanisu codex

Now we have the pictures finally for the models we’ve been hearing about for weeks! 

Plus it appears to all fall in line with our rumored list of releases as well!

Cult Mechanicus

– Fulgurite Electro Priests (CC unit)

– Corpuscarii Electro Priests (Shooty unit, combo box with the fulgurites)

– Magos Dominus

– Kataphron Destroyers

– 2nd Tracked Unit similar to Kataphron Destroyers, but assault oriented.

– Robot Walker Unit with multiple armaments

The pictures speak for themselves folks. Great looking stuff, Games Workshop may have saved the best for last!

Full Mechanicus Roundup

It’s a Trap – 2 Mechanicus releases in one?