REVEALED – Blood Oath Space Marine Formations

By Rob Baer | April 12th, 2020 | Categories: Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k Rumors

centurion art marine
More assaulting after deep strike is here! Download the new Blood Oath Formations for the Space Marines.

If you’ve been searching for a copy of the ‘Exclusive’ Blood Oath Formations, look no longer.
These were released in a stand alone ‘exclusive’ campaign book from Warhammer World back in May, and some of them are VERY good when used with the new Space Marines Codex.
Here’s the Space Marine ones in ‘print’ quality. Checkout how they work with the new book below!
Via Spikey Bits Hobbies FB Page

This is a semi-pricey formation for the Marines, BUT you get to assault with a lot more stuff than the Skyhammer Annihilation Force! Plus Devastators have the option to fire twice, which in the case of Grav salvo weapons, seems pretty good. The base formation points out to around 2000 points.

Re-rolls are always good. Not a super competitive formation when you use it for the Terminators, but when you combo the re-rolls with special issue ammo on the Sternguard squads it’s very nice.

Harnessing Warp Charge on a 3+ is always good, but this is a VERY expensive formation to field.

Solid benefits for the big guys, and tactically speaking outflanking Knights is a HUGE boon. Not for your every day pointed games however.
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