In what has been perhaps the most revealing Annual Report in recent memory, Games Workshop spilled the beans on a new Forge World Online Store. Come see!
7-28-2015 Via Games Workshop Annual Report
Forge World mail order store. To protect our sales we are building a new Forge World mail order store on the same platform
and hosting environment as our Citadel mail order store and migrating all products and imagery. It is on track with a
scheduled go live date in the summer of 2015. It will cost £1.1 million.Annual Report 2015 (Full Report)
So that seems to indicate that you may be able to pick up Forge World in Games Workshop retail stores, just like existing mail orders currently!
Now checkout the rumors from earlier in the week below, that seem to have been spot on!
via the BoLS Lounge’s Mr. Mystery
Just got some info from a usually fairly reliable source, and to be honest I’m not sure if it supports this rumour or not, but here goes.
As of November, Forgeworld in stores.
Sadly, no info beyond that, so could mean a number of things…
1 Available to order into stores – so free shipping??
2 Actual stock in stores??
3 The plastic set isn’t plastic???
4 actual stock in stores to support the plastic set??Wish I could offer more info, but sadly can only work with the info I’ve got.
There was a lot to do about this very topic way back in March when we started hearing rumors of this, but an exact time-frame was never nailed down. The Image below seemed to indicate that a Forge World option was being tested on Games Workshop’s site, perhaps for fulfillment from local hubs in market countries outside of England.

How awesome would this be in your town?
Time to lock up your wallet?