New 28mm Sci-Fi Miniature You Have To See

By Rob Baer | July 13th, 2015 | Categories: BITS, Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

28mm scale Sci-Fi 'Purifier' miniature (7) - Copy

Checkout this bad boy. The impressive 28mm scale Sci-Fi “Purifier” miniature is here, and it’s a good ‘un!

Up and coming miniatures company Albino Raven just put out their first offering for the Sci-Fi market and judging by this design, it will not be their last!

28mm Scale Sci-Fi ‘Purifier’ miniature

Heavy battle mech RX-704 “Purifier”. With the model you will get a signed poster *(with 95mm model) and data slate with experimental rules and lore.

28mm scale Sci-Fi 'Purifier' miniature28mm scale Sci-Fi 'Purifier' miniature (2)28mm scale Sci-Fi 'Purifier' miniature (5)28mm scale Sci-Fi 'Purifier' miniature (4)

Looks like the Purifier comes with it’s own boutique box, as well as some other goodies as well.

It’s always good to see great new offering like these from up and coming miniature companies. As 3D printers become more and more common place, I can only imagine the amazing offerings table top wargaming will be blessed with.