New Tyranid 40k Pre Orders From Games Workshop

By Rob Baer | July 27th, 2015 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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While Age of Sigmar flourishes, the Hive Mind stirs. Checkout a few surprising Tyranid pre-orders this week for Warhammer 40k.

Via Games Workshop



Tyranids Chitinous Swarm

There’s almost nothing in the galaxy more terrifying than a Tyranid swarm; a heaving mass of devouring jaws and crushing claws, it marches unstoppably, consuming everything organic in its path, leaving nothing alive and planets barren.

This awesome bundle hands you an almost uncountable number of gruesome Tyranid miniatures – an entire Tyranid Swarm box, a Carnifex Brood, a Hive Tyrant, a set of Tyranid Warriors, a Trygon and a Haruspex.

Retail $495


Tyranids Carrion Harvest

Absolutely deadly, capable of stripping entire solar systems without pause or emotion, Tyranids are one of the most feared enemies across the entire galaxy. Smashing down into planets, fired from living, bio-organic ships, they consume to survive – and survival is what they’re good at. This bundle gives you some of their most frightening warrior-forms – a Carnifex Brood, with two miniatures and two Tyrannocytes, which can be optionally built as Sporocysts and Mucolid Spores.

Retail $215


Two new bundles that snuck under the radar for Warhammer 40k this week, that don’t look to shabby. As of this writing the swarm was already sold out in fact. Perhaps this bodes as a good indicator for more upcoming 40k releases!

Bring on the 40k, or do you want more Age of Sigmar?