All GW Stores to Rebrand & The Changes Ahead!

By Rob Baer | August 26th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw warhammer rebrand

Looks like we’ve heard it from the CEO’s mouth, BIG changes are coming for Games Workshop soon! Come see what’s to come!

Games Workshop’s CEO Kevin Rountree has said a lot of things as of late.

First was that Forge World would get it’s own website in summer 2015, which we’ve seen already. Now the company will rebrand all Games Workshop stores to “Warhammer” (Your Hobby Starts Here).

“We have taken the decision in the year to rebrand our stores ‘Warhammer,’” Roundtree said recently to shareholders.  “It is what our customers call us.”

Which is, in fact, pretty accurate I feel like.


He is also calling for a review of the product ranges: “I will review our product range”.  “We believe this is long overdue: it is time for a resetting of the ranges.  Not tweaking here and there but a top down reassessment.

On the matter of pricing, an often hot button topic for hobbyists and parents of hobbyists alike Roundtree states that their will be NO reduction in retail prices for GW’s products, however they will “be looking to offer a broader range of price points.”

What this means for existing product, and future products like the rumored Horus Heresy Expansion is anyone’s guess, however as of right now Games Workshop stock is up from August 20th.

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