Checkout what may be inside the new Horus Heresy starter set. This could be one of the best deals from Games Workshop EVER.
via anonymous sources on BoLS 8-26-2015
Horus Heresy: Battle for Ultramar Miniatures Contents:
44 miniaturesArtificier Armor Centurion
Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)
Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)
Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)Cataphractii Terminator Praetor
Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5)
Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5)Contemptor Dreadnought
Unknown model (conflicting reports say a “counter to Contemptor”, or simply a 2nd Contemptor)Decal sheet for multiple legions, split evenly between Loyalist and Traitor Legions
Rumors come from known rumormongers and are rated: LIKELY
The Older Stuff:
Several days back we heard from Warseer long-time moderator Wintermute, who chimed into the conversation with this:
As its called: ‘Horus Heresy: Battle for Ultramar’
Reader “Mikhael” additionally chimed in to note that:
“All Ultramarines & Word Bearers Models are being pulled from Warhammer World; for photography; not by Forge World.”
And that info coming from two different people today lends another bit of credibility to the recent Lords of War side of things:
Lords of War (facebook) comes out or retirement to say:
“Oh, you think it’s going to be Battle of Phall? How cute…It will have it’s own rules created by GW, but everyone will use for FW and they should. 30k is vastly better than 40k.It will be two legions that hate each other. Any guesses? Looks like we have a winner!” (regarding a reader guessing: Ultramarines and Word Bearers)
Horus Heresy Roundup
This may be one of the best deals value wise if you compare it’s cost to Forge World’s!