New Horus Heresy Rulebook Rumors

By Rob Baer | September 6th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus walpaper

Horus Heresy book VI should be here in November and it looks like there will be tons of fun new rules in it for all flavors of Astartes Legions!

Via Battlebuddies

There was the European Open day today as we all know, where Forge World shared a small amount of what they are working on currently. One thing we are all looking forward to is the new Black book which currently doesn’t have a name.

What do we know / have been told will be included.
Legion traits for 16 Legions (Not Vlka Fenryka or Thousand Sons).
Blood Angels, Dark Angels and White Scars will have Legion Traits. They will not have Primarchs in this book but will have the traits which will enable you to build a Legion.
Rites of War (including new ones) for all 16 Legions in this book. This includes a full Gal Vorbak force Rite of War and a full Kacophoni force Rite of War. This will be great to see, and hopefully we will get a taste of Heresy Emperor’s Children coming through (lots of bright colours, piercings and handcuffs).
There will be a few new units for the Legions coming through, mainly stuff we have seen recently.
It will provide abilities to build shattered Legion forces. These have been very difficult to balance as could have easily have been a force where you painted a unit up in the scheme of the most effective Legion trait for that given unit (I.e. You may have a Breacher squad and decided to paint as Iron Hands as it would give you a better perk than if you painted it as Raven Guard etc).
black shields
Rumours are that the Black Shield force will be either expanded upon or buildable.
Argel Tal will NOT be in this book.
There is a new Titan Legio in this book which has not been seen before.
No information about the battles this book focuses around, but the whole Meduson series of conflicts are what to kind of expect.
I believe we will see Corax on the 17th of October for sale.
The next which is either Dorn or Alpharius will be shown at a seminar on the same day. It will be done by Israel Gonzalez. As Israel sculpted both Sigismund and Dynatt (and did a fantastic job on Eidolon), these can both be seen as training pieces really. I believe he will be doing both characters at this stage, with Egan starting work on Leman Russ, Freki and Geri. We may see Alpharius or Dorn before Xmas. The other at the HH Weekender 2016 (where book 7 will be shown off) with maybe a teaser of Russ. At the moment I can not be sure who would do Magnus but I would love to see Trish set to it as I believe she is more than capable.

So overall looks like Book VI of the Horus Heresy will probably arrive in November like the last 3 previous years, then it looks to be on to Prospero from what we’re hearing.

Checkout the link below for more pictures of the Event!

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