New WD Pics Show Stormsurge Options & Pilots

By Rob Baer | September 30th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

stormsure walpaper

Checkout the HUGE spread of all the weapon options and pilots (yes pilots plural) for the new Stormsurge. New White Dwarf pictures are HERE!

Via the German site Games 9-30-2015

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Well so now we know just how big that Stormsurge is, and how all the different weapon options look. Plus like the two brained Stegasaurs of old, this thing is rocking not one but TWO pilots as well!

Now the big question may be perhaps how it’s going to fit in with the new Tau rules?

~Who runs Stormsurge-town?

Tau Roundup

Are The New 40k Units OP – Podcast Episode 19