New X-Wing Episode VII Ships & Wave 8 Coming in NOV?

By Rob Baer | September 11th, 2015 | Categories: Star Wars, Tabletop Gaming Products

xwing repaints

Looks like we may just get a wave of X-wing Ships that arrives on TIME! Comes see what was just added to X-wing Wave 8 and may be coming your way in November!

Following their midnight coup on Force Friday, Fantasy Flight Games is adding the two new ships from the Episode VII starter set to their November wave 8 line up.

Does this mean that we will actually see a wave of ships arrive on time for X-wing for the first time ever? Signs point to yes, as they would leave a ton of Episode VII cash on the table if they didn’t have the new ships in stores for the release of the Force Awakens movie!

Best of all, the new T-70 and Tie Fighter FO will have even more upgrade cards that we saw in the starter set!


Via Fantasy Flight Games:


The Resistance’s T-70 X-wing and the First Order’s TIE/fo fighter just recently debuted in The Force Awakens™ Core Set, and they’re already flying missions, shooting down enemy fighters, and making their mark on the game. With their new stat lines, tech upgrade slots, and talented aces, these starfighters are rapidly helping to decide the fate of the galaxy, even before The Force Awakens arrives in theaters!

Soon, you’ll be able to add more of these ships to your fleet. We are proud to announce that the T-70 X-wing Expansion Pack and TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack are being added to the game’s eighth wave of starship expansions!

T-70 X-wing Expansion Pack

Resistance pilots commonly find themselves outnumbered by the First Order. Accordingly, they know that in order to win their engagements – even just to survive – they’ll need to push themselves and their ships to the limits.

In addition to one detailed T-70 X-wing miniature, the T-70 X-wing Expansion Pack comes with five upgrades and four ship cards, including two unique aces, to help push your Resistance forces to victory.

You’ll find an Astromech droid and an X-wing only modification that play to the X-wing’s strengths, and you’ll find a new elite pilot talent, Cool Hand , to help you emerge unscathed from your moments of weakness.

Most importantly, the T-70 X-wing Expansion Pack allows you to field another Resistance X-wing in battle, and that helps you even the odds, especially when that X-wing is flown by a pilot as talented as“Red Ace.”

“Red Ace” possesses an uncanny ability to shrug off incoming fire. The first time he removes a shield token each round, he gains an evade token, making him a hard target for pairs of TIEs to pin down. Combined with the Integrated Astromech modification and the Classic Core Set’s R2-D2 upgrade, “Red Ace” can easily help you turn the tables against the forces of the First Order.

TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack

An extremely nimble starfighter, the First Order’s mass-produced TIE/fo offers a unique blend of durability, maneuverability, and advanced tech that its best pilots quickly learn to use to their advantage in combat.

You’ll find one of these ships available in the TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack as a carefully detailed and pre-painted miniature, along with six ship cards and two upgrades that allow your First Order pilots to employ cunning new tactics in battle.

Two of the expansion’s three unique aces feature the elite pilot talent slot, and that means they can equip the new Juke upgrade. For two squad points, this elite pilot talent enters X-Wing as one of a very limited number of cards that allow the attacker to modify the defender’s dice results.

Along with all the rest of Wave VIII, T-70 X-wing Expansion Pack and TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack are scheduled to arrive at retailers in the fourth quarter of 2015!


Looks like FFG is committed to a November release date for the upcoming ships.

Which ones are you going to buy?