3 IG-88 Lists To Watch Our For: X-Wing Minatures

By Rob Baer | October 9th, 2015 | Categories: X-Wing 2.0

ig-2000 ig-88 x-wing

Scum and Villainy is no slouch when it comes to competitive X-wing Miniatures, checkout the three IG-2000 lists that can handle most other squads out there.


List One – Everybody Got’s a Target Lock!

  • IG88-B  (Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire Control System + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000
  • IG88-C  (Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire Control System + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000)

This IG-88 has the right stuff it seems to deal with the new Thug Life squad that’s out there, it only takes one target lock to keep the cycle going of perpetual re-rolls. This build isn’t as robust as some versions, but it’s super easy to pilot. Stay at range 2-3 (preferably past two for autothrusters to kick in) and swing away with 4 shots with and the Bravo ship’s re-rolls. Remember your higher pilot skill and you should survive!


List Two – Boost For the Win

  • IG88-B  (Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000)
  • IG88-C  (Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000)

The best of a lot of worlds here. This IG-88 build once again combines Bravo’s free gunner ability with higher pilot skill, the ability to scheme actions from activation (don’t forget your free evade from boosting), and a free “0” move mulligan. You opponent should go for the ‘C’ version first as those free evades are a game changer, use that to your advantage.


List Three – Sneaky Zebra

  • IG88-B  (Predator + Mangler Cannon + Sensor Jammer + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000)
  • IG88-C  (Predator + Mangler Cannon + Sensor Jammer + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000)

This saucy little number does real work on turret builds, and arc dodgers. Don’t forget the predator tech to re-roll one hit volleys into hopefully zero hit volleys to trigger Bravo’s free gunner ability. Have I mentioned Bravo’s free gunner ability yet, lol. It’s really good!

Sensor Jammer throws off the averages of Twin Laser Turret builds, and rips the teeth out of below average rolling as well. You’re ships won’t be as maneuverable without Advanced Sensors, BUT the Mangler Cannon will keep you in the game of re-rolls at ranges 1-3.


If you love playing low ship squads and rolling tons of dice over and over again, there is an IG-88 build for you. The Aggressor may be one of the most versatile ships out there, that you can fly as casual, or as technical as you want and still do respectively well on the table top!

 X-Wing Squadron Roundup