RUMORS – New Space Marines Coming Already?

By Rob Baer | December 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming News & Rumors

space-wolves wallpaper

Looks like new Imperial Guard may be out, and Space Wolves the Vlka Fenryka may be in for the next imperial release! Come see the latest!

via DakkaDakka’s Sad Panda 11-27-2016

Tyranids in January is nonsense. Fyreslayers.

Imp. Guard in February is nonsense. Space Wolves.

Not counting possible 1-week things (think Seraphon), only multi-week releases.

It’s not impossible there will be a FSE (Farsight Enclave) book, which may or may not be reprinting the rules from Mont’ka.

I wouldn’t expect many miniatures with it. Probably just be the book, or a single clam-pack at most. There will be several 1-week things 2016.


Sure there’ was previous talk from another rumormonger of Astra Militarum appearing in a campaign book in Q1 2016, but those rumors described pretty much all the stuff we just saw in the Mont’ka campaign book for Cadians.

Maybe the rumored “new guard” may have already arrived and we will indeed see some new Power Armor releases sooner than later!

Remember the Space Wolves latest codex arrived in August of 2014, with the hover sled, the new flyers and who can forget MURDERFANG!

So in the big picture, the Space Wolves are a fairly current codex. There are several older ones out there that are more in need of updating (like CHAOS!!!).

~What do we want? CHAOS! When do we want it? NOW!

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits In 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

Bio: Virginia restless, miniature painter & cat dad. He blames LEGOs for all this, as there was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all. Spikey Bits started with Rob trying to stay motivated to hobby on his backlog of projects and share his knowledge with others during the early blogging era.

Scale model hobbyist in the 80s, miniature wargamer, and trading card player ever since. He’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy since 5th Edition, but Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and minatures made of both pewter and resin.