Forge World REVIEW – New Warhound Titan

By Rob Baer | January 18th, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized

warhound titan

Come see the latest and perhaps greatest class of Warhound titan to come out of Forge World, the Mars Pattern Warhound Titan!

Depending on who you ask, the newest pattern of Warhound titan quietly sneaked onto their website a few years ago to little fanfare. It seems to now have officially replaced the Lucius (Wolf) pattern as the only Warhound titan available for the forces of the Imperium.

MARS PATTERN WARHOUND TITAN (BODY ONLY) £270 (add’l arms are £40)

warhound mars

A extremely detailed model of the Mars Pattern Warhound Titan. This model stands approximately 250mm/10.5 inches high depending on how the legs are constructed.

warhound titan parts

Rules for this model and it’s associated weapons can be found in the Games Workshop Apocalypse rulebook.


If you’re ready to take the big step into getting one of the more serious kits from Forge World, the Warhound is a great place to start. It will test every iota of your hobby skills, and make you even wish you had a third arm to assemble it.

But in the end when you get it all together and painted you may remember it as one of the most rewarding hobby projects you have ever worked on.  Start out on your journey to get your very first titan “hobby merit badge” today by checking out just how much goes into a project like this in our video review below.

Which titan is YOUR Favorite; Warhound, Reaver, or Warlord?

Warhound Titan Unboxing – Forge World Games Workshop 

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