New Adeptus Mechanicus? 2.0 Release RUMORS

By Rob Baer | January 28th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

admech wlapaper

Could we see a new “Second Edition” of the two 2015 Adeptus Mechanicus codex books? Come see what the Ad mech may be getting VERY son!

via a source who spoke to BoLS on condition of anonymity:

Rumor Basics

Look for a Combined Adeptus Mechanicus book to replace the current pair released in 2015.

Ad Mech is slated for a Q2 2016 Release.



New combo Robot kit will make 2 different robot versions.

New Transport kit.

New Flyer kit.

knight 4


Knights moving to LoW.

Mixed chatter regrading specialized Ad-Mech fortifications.

This lines up with some earlier Adeptus Mechanicus rumors from a different source describing a future robot kit:

  • The new Ad-Mech kits is a dual built kit, with both options in the box.
  • Both are upright walkers.
  • General appearance is of a thinner version of the plastic Kastelan.
  • One robot has anti-infantry high rate of fire weapons.
  • One robot has a large battering ram close combat weapon.


Original Rogue Trader Imperial robot minis

We saw them re-book Knights after one year, why not Ad Mech?

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