New HORUS HERESY – FAQ Spotted From Forge World

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2016 | Categories: Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy walpaper

If you love playing games of Horus Heresy, don’t miss the new FAQ they just put out that lines up all their publications and smaller army books!

Forge World dropped a surprise FAQ today for the Age of Darkness Horus Heresy Expansion.

You can check it out here
Looks like they are updating a few things, Lorgar in particular got some clarifications.

There’s some interesting stuff that replaces entries in the crusade army list book (CAL), and adds new “show exclusive” units in there as well.Checkout the section on Terminators and the Cybernetica update from the Thagmata army list book.

Aspiring Knight Scions got the dorsal weapons upgrade ability from the new plastic kit too which is neat.

Oh and if you catch folks trying to game the system with the Nanite pistol, checkout the last entry of the FAQ: Relics of the Dark Age of Technology Clarification (HH4 – page 222)

Games in the Age of Darkness never looked so good!

What changed for YOUR army?

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