Genestealer Rising – Painted Space Hulk Showcase

By Hiso | February 26th, 2016 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Blood Angels, Les Figs d'Hiso, Tyranids



Hello there Space Hulk fans, come see these amazing looking models from the collectors set itself!

Guess who has been hard at work painting a set of the Blood Angels and the Genestealers that look absolutely stunning!

Space Hulk - Terminator - Blood Angels
Space Hulk - Terminator - Blood Angels

Space Hulk - Terminator - Blood Angels Archiviste

Space Hulk - Genestealers

Space Hulk - Genestealers Alpha
Space Hulk - Objectifs

Check out more awesome work done by Hiso at Les Figs d’Hiso

About the Author: Hiso