It looks like we have an answer to the new release question of Stormclast VS. Grey knights for next week. Come see the latest on what’s incoming!
Source: Sad Panda
Age of Sigmar News & Rumours – Orcs next?
There should be a significant Stormcast-release sometime soon.
Then he followed that up with:
Excitement usually greater for 40K-stuff (and 30K-stuff), but as I’ve said in the past, 2016 is first and foremost the year of AoS (for GW).
Overall, AoS will get the most weekly releases, the most new models, the most books, etc…
So it appears that the teaser below may just be pointing to an immediate Age of Sigmar Release and NOT the fan favorite: Knights of titan
Source: Scanner
Now that is more specific yet even more vague… The Extremis Chambers (plural) seem to indicate more that one chamber, and *MAY* refer to the labyrinth under the moon Titan, and home to the Grey Knights (although I can not find anything in the lore to support that supposition).
However the Extremis Chamber (singular) is where Sigmar keeps the Celestant Prime holded up between battles.
So will it be 40k, Age of Sigmar, next week (or both). Only time may truly tell this go around hobby maniacs!
Will it Be Grey Knights Or AOS?
~And so he took the God Breaker to the Chamber Extremis, where he unlocked his most powerful weapon: the first Stormcast Eternal, the Celestant-Prime.
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