Top 5 Lists: Guess Who’s Back On Top for X-Wing?

Y-wing X-wing

Hey there X-Wing fanatics! Monty G here with the latest top 5 X-Wing squad builds that are dominating the current meta-game. You might be surprised who is back on top!

Number 1


IG88‑C – Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim
IG88‑B – Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim

Brobots are back on top baby! These mean machines can put out the serious hurt with the Heavy Laser Cannon, and IG88-B makes sure that you won’t miss with those 4 red dice. Fire Control System helps here to get you the most bang for your buck, and a little dash of Glitterstim makes sure that none of your dice will miss for one turn. And Crack Shot can cancel one of your opponent’s evades, making sure that no one is left alive! IG88-C helps with action economy since you get a free evade when you boost, so you only really need to be boosting or focusing since your target locks are pretty much taken care of.

Maximum effort!

Number 2



“Whisper” – Veteran Instincts + Fire‑Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device + Agent Kallus
Captain Yorr – Emperor Palpatine
“Omega Leader” – Juke + Comm Relay

The Emperor is fighting to stay on top! Another Emperor/ Aces build seen here. Whisper does her thing, cloaking everywhere and being dodgey, waiting for the perfect time to get a delicious 5 dice attack at range 1. Omega Leader is one of the newer TIE/fo’s that is deadly with his pilot ability. When he locks you up, you cannot modify your dice against him or in reaction to his attacks. Add in a Juke and you pretty much have an attack that cannot be evaded. Captain Yorr seems to be there as a counter to the Stress Hog Y-Wing that seems to be everywhere these days. Captain Yorr’s ability allows him to take up to 2 stress from a friendly ship. This is amazing as Stress Hog usually pumps out 2-3 stress on an enemy a turn.

Everyone knows that a stressed Phantom is a dead Phantom, so Yorr seem to be the perfect counter for the hordes of stress throwers in the game currently.

Number 3


IG88‑B – Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim
IG88‑A – Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim

Wait. I thought we did these guys already. Brobots are in Top 5 twice!

This list is almost identical to the Number 1 Brobots, except this one includes the rarely seen IG88-A. The A is never usually taken as his pilot ability is more passive, as he can restore 1 shiled after destroying an enemy. He seems to be the perfect counter to a swarm list, but most people seem to be focused on 3 ship ace builds these days.

This list utilizes a strong offense (IG88-B) mixed with a decent defense(IG88-A).

Number 4


Darth Vader – Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Adv. Targeting Computer + TIE/x1
Soontir Fel – Stealth Device + Push The Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters
Omicron Group Pilot – Emperor Palpatine

These guys can’t be stopped! Imperial aces seem to always be on top. This is another classic Emperor/ 2 Aces build. Not too many tricks here that are noteworthy, just good ole’ reliable dice finagling with the Emperor. It’s interesting to see these guys still on top, but I guess simplicity makes victory. For the Emperor!

Number 5


Syndicate Thug – Unhinged Astromech + Twin Laser Turret x4

Yay! TLT Thugs! These guys seem to always be around ever since the dreaded Twin Laser Turret was released. It’s so good in fact that current World Champion Paul Heaver is rumored to have designed a card to neutralize the awesome power of TLT. If you’ve been keeping up with our X-Wing reports, you know who I’m talking about! *Wink!* *Wink!* Good reliable damage each turn is nothing to sniff at. And the venerable Y-Wing can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’!


That’s the current Top 5 lists for X-Wing! Scum and Villainy are dominating with 3 out of 5. I was expecting to see Poe in these lists somewhere but the Rebels seem to be lacking.

Hopefully the release of the “Ghost” and “Phantom” will bring them back into the spotlight.

Until next time ghouls and gals!