NEW RULES – Armored Container Datasheet Spotted

By Rob Baer | May 31st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

armored containers

We thought we knew all the rules for the new armor container cache form last week, but there are more! Checkout the newest datasheet for 40k!

A new kit for 40k was spotted last week in an eBay listing weeks before it is set to release!


The Rules:

Lucky hobbyist Craig Sargent received his set in the mail early and shared with the rest of us.

Each 40 point cache can be made from the components of the box:

  • 3 Armored Containers
  • 9 Promethium barrels
  • 6 large supply crates
  • 6 small supply crates

armored crate contatiner rules armoured

New Rules / Official Datasheet:

Source: IMGUR

Copy of armored container chache datasheet 2

Bonus Rules!

armored container chache datasheet - Copy

Datasheet (still 40 points per cache)

armored container cache datasheet 2

Datasheet pg 2

Rules and sprues thoroughly digested, the new kit looks to be super fun and a great addition to tabletops everywhere for years to come!

40k New Release Roundup for JUNE


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