Slaanesh Is NOT Dead & The New Summer Campaign?

By Rob Baer | May 13th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Wow some big rumors are dropping about this summers new campaign and the fate of everyone’s favorite God of rock ‘n roll: Slaanesh! Checkout the latest!

Grab your salt shakers and take a look at this (wishlisting?) rundown of whats next for Age of Sigmar.



Source: L’astropate

Summer Campaign ( Editor’s Note: First Reported By Industry Insiders to Spikey Bits)

There are Also the elves, coming earlier than expected, and something for sylvaneth and, hear hear, Slaanesh. The one many consider deleted from the setting, but who was actually just been captured.

-taking place in the realm of life
-your battle results will be logged at a GW Web Station (the computer you order from When at GW Shop) to prevent skewing results like Eye of Terror did en will shape the setting When They write up future campaign books general’s handbook -units have a model count cap (max 10 models, or 20 models, etc. depends on the unit)
-you can only add models in “groups” (no points for individual models. example: add 5 liberators to your unit for X points)
-book will Contain points for all models, and they’ll be included in battletomes going forward (i do not know if it’s definitive, i could not tell if he assumed That was what’s going to happen or if he was Told by studio guys)
-army organization is a mix of force org from 40k and the point-tiers from fantasy. for every X points in a game, you can have up to Y heros / wizards / monsters, etc.
-in Match Play, there’s the “Rule of 1s”, In That 1s always fail, limit named characters to 1 for army, and summoned units you can not summon other units That turn
-weapon upgrades for units will not cost additional points. -some missions in the book That are styled like LotR games, where you recreate a major battle with each player Bringing an army determined by the rules , and such missions will be included in battletomes.
-narrative will have a lot of cool stuff to add to your games. magic items for your heroes to wield, new Path of Glory for all Armies, new missions to run, etc. future models
-in the general’s handbook, there looks to be new sylvaneth models shown. i would take this with a grain of salt, as they could be very well done conversions, but from what i heard, there are models of aelfs Whose limbs are turning into branches and plants, and new updated treemen (not treelords, the treemen who are bigger than branchwraiths but smaller than treelords)
-concept art shown of allariel riding what looks to be a giant rhino beetle? sounds interesting, possible future model? only time will tell
Slaanesh is not dead. Models are supposedly finished and they’re waiting to get things ready (box art, artwork for future books, production, finding a time to include in the story, etc.) studios rarely release models the second they are done, there’s a lot of prep work behind the scenes. sales numbers
AoS is now roughly 30% of sales. 40k is still outperforming by a large margin, but AoS numbers are healthy. what to take away from this is That AoS will continue forward, it’s here to stay, there’s no plans to go backwards on it.

A couple of things to point out here: It is a matter of public record in the Chapterhouse court case that paints/tools and accessories make up almost 50% of sales for Games Workshop. So the number indicated that AoS is 30% of sales, seems VERY high, in fact it would indicate that it sells more that 40k (which I think we can ALL agree is NOT true).

salt pie

This list also seems very jumbled with huge grammatical errors and typeface issues, also IMHO calling into question is validity. Plus lets face it, there hasn’t been a Slaaneshi model in FOUR years. Is 2016 the year for the God to return from the “dead”?

Nonetheless some things do line up with what several industry insiders have told Spikey Bits on condition of anonymity.

My best guess: apply salt where needed for flavor.

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