The Truth Behind GW’s New Plastic Bases? – REVIEW

By Rob Baer | June 6th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sector imperialis box

Is it all tea and crumpets for GW’s new plastic bases? Come see the truth about their new Sector Imperialis product line.

The new plastic bases from Games Workshop are here, and hobbyist everywhere are rejoicing. However there may be a fatal flaw with them when you look at them up close, depending on who you ask.

We picked up a few of the new boxes of Sector Imperialis bases this week to review, and while they are great for re-basing your army on the cheap and are very grim dark in design they seem to fall a little flat on their detailing.


As a matter of fact the sprues themselves may just either be a bad batch from Games Workshop, or a lower quality product than what was pictured on the website / packaging all together. In fact the box indicates that these are the China plastics that they used for the Wall of Martyrs and AoS terrain kits, that many consider to be of an inferior quality.

sector_imperialis_sprues (2)

Checkout the detail for yourself:

sector_imperialis_sprues (3)

Flat Aquilas?

sector_imperialis_sprues (3)

Squished Skull, and blobby / flat grains of sand?

And the larger panels for the bigger basing kit:

sector_imperialis_sprues (6)

Compare the detail on the largest of them:

sector_imperialis_sprues (5)

Box Image

sector_imperialis_sprues (7)

Actual Product?

Notice anything different between the box product shots, and the actual product itself? As a matter of fact Games Workshop does not even show the sprues on their webstore, which is a clear departure from every other sprue product since the new webstore re-design. I wonder if there is reason is behind that?


No Sprues one week?


Sprues the next week?

Overall in theory this product is not only a great value, but a solid offering from Games Workshop, however as of right now the quality of the actually product seems to leave a lot to be desired IMHO. Perhaps the batch I got was “defective”, and this is just a big Quality Control Issue and others will report better quality bases over the weekend and into the new week.

As of right now, the case or so of new product that my FLGS received all look the same as the boxes I purchased.

I’ll give this product 3 out of 5 meows just hoping that this is a localized incident and not the overall actual product that was distributed worldwide.

The Truth Behind GW’s New Plastic Bases – REVIEW 


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