NEW Warmachine Miniatures REVEALED!


A new set of minis from Privateer Press for your P3 Warmachine needs were just released! Come check out what new minis are available for your collection!

Privateer Press has just released some new minis and it looks like Khador is getting some love!

Source: Privateer Press

Behemoth: $69.99


Resin & Metal Kit

Hailed as the ultimate Khadoran warjack, Behemoth exemplifies the best qualities of Khadoran design: extremely heavy armor, a devastating array of weaponry, and immense strength. This peerless warjack is as much a symbol of Khador’s power to the Khadoran people as it is a force of destruction to any who would stand against it.

Berserker/Mad Dog/Rager: $34.99

mad dog

Plastic Kit

Soon after the first Berserkers proved their worth in battle, hacking into infantry with their twin axes, the Khadoran High Kommand borrowed its chassis to develop other equally brutal machines. With the Mad Dog trampling forward to crush enemies with bloodthirsty glee and the shield-bearing Rager standing firm as an imposing eight-ton bodyguard, these warjacks are far from obsolete on the modern battlefield.

Prime Axiom/Conflux: $109.99

prime axiom

Plastic Kit

The colossals of the Convergence of Cyriss inspire awe and fear among the armies of the Iron Kingdoms. To confront these machines is to behold the inevitability of the Great Work and the terrifying power made possible by the guiding hand of Cyriss. The weapons of the Prime Axiom are designed to rip through screening troops, dismantle warjacks, and send servitors deep into the heart of battle. The Prime Conflux is a true wonder of design, able to convert latent atmospheric energies into electricity before unleashing them in a torrent of destruction.

No Quarter #67: $8.50


No Quarter #67 features the very first theme force for the new edition of WARMACHINE! Play the Kingmaker’s Army of Magnus and his allies, complete with special rules for fielding his forces. In addition, you’ll find a tutorial for making rough terrain, a historical scenario with Vinter’s son, battle reports for the fast new Rumble format, a beautiful showcase of P3 Grandmaster-winning models, and the first part of the exclusive new IKRPG expansion, Iron Kingdoms Uncharted.

For more information on any of these products, head over to Privateer Press!