Daemons Bathe The Canadian Capital in Blood!

khorne-daemonkin sm

Your favorite frenchie is fresh from a round of doing his best to bring the hobby back at The Canadian Capital City Blood Bath tournament !

Normally, I have amazingly painted armies to show off but Rob and the cats were pressing me for an article; so here is the grand tale of my 6 games at the Capital City Blood Bath Tournament.

(Editor’s Note: Frenchie is mostly always on time, mostly…)

Capital City Blood Bath

The CCBB is held in Ottawa, Canadia, and features Warmahordes, Age of Sigmar both in a doubles and a singles, and, of course, 40K, also in doubles and singles. I only played the singles because I lack friends  my crew and I rolled in on Friday night.

Now when I mentioned bringing hobby back earlier, i’m going to be totally honest here,  I brought a mean, dirty  list. I’m glad I did, because I had rarely seen tournaments as stacked in terms of competitive armies. Also, it was my only painted 40K army, so there’s that.

Hellfire Painting

Here’s the list, it’s the same one I played at the ATC last month. You can find the event’s top 8 lists by clicking here.

Combined Arms Detachment

Tzeench Herald, Disk, Level 3, Endless Grimoire, Locus of +1 Dakka

Tzeench Herald, Disk, Level 3, Exalted Gift

Tzeench Herald, Disk, Level 3, Impossible Robes

11 Horrors

16 Horrors

6 Screamers

Daemonic Incursion:

Tzeench Herald, Disk, Level 3, Paradox

8x Exalted Flamer

11x Horrors


5x Furies

The list is a pretty standard Screamer star with the Incursion added in; because it’s an insane value.

Game 1 :

I played BJ, who was running Orks. His army was a pretty mild mix of orks without the usual combos (Deffkopta star, on-sales-stompa or the 2++Ghaz ). Bunch of nobs in trukks and wagons, some big guns and a shokk attack gun.


The game went pretty smoothly from my side, we both clogged the middle of the board early, but the Fateweaver dealt more damage than the big gunz could on the rest of the board and that tipped the balance in my favor early on.

A solid 30-0 win early on, and my fateweaver fell from my board and exploded on the floor. As you’ll see on the rest of the pictures, I played with a 1-winged, no-head,1-armed pigeon fro the entire tournament because I couldnt find zap kicker or anything to fix it decently enough.

Game 2 :

My second round opponent was Val, who was playing the 2 Stormsurge & Riptide Wing list. Thanks to my favorite gaming buddy Jack, I’ve played this game at least 10 times. Not this exact game, as Val was running the Imperium Containers but something quite similar.

The game spiralled out of my control pretty quickly, sadly. I had a decent plan coming in, which was grimoire-ing and prescience-ing a deep striking unit of 8 exalted flamers to take down storm surges. The fact that I lost my grimoire on turn one was a big misplay on my part ( and some bad luck, but mostly misplay)

Capital City Blood Bath

After my turn 2, I filled our score sheet as 30-0 for Val, but we kept playing because despite me loosing in an horrendous fashion- the biggest beating I ever took with this army so far, the game was quite fun. I’m pretty sure I was tabled by turn 5, but I don’t quite remember, as the bar had opened by that point and I started my hobby within the hobby; drinking heavily.

Game 3 :

Capital City Blood Bath

After the second game, things could only go up. I played with Andrew and his Orks. There were 2 ork players in the tournament, so obviously I had to play against both of them. I don’t mind at all because Andrew was a really cool guy to play against, he had a real nice army filled with converted stuff. His army was a big Stompa with a lot of Dakka, and the meganobz formation in trukks.

The mission was 2 Relics and ended up in a weird way, as we did not understand the scenario- or how to score the relic in the same way. The way the mission was written you didn’t need to have the relic to score it which is not how most people play it.

Capital City Blood Bath

My only goal this game was keeping the Heralds far away from the Stompa and tar-pit it with whatever I could summon and play with. It went pretty well in that regard, as by turn 6, there was only the Stompa standing with 1 or 2 meganobs, with my 4 heralds alive and well, a bunch of summoned units and a Fateweaver that must’ve killed 900 points worth of orks by himself.

28-2 win for yours truly.

Game 4 :

I Played Jason, who brought elder and 30 Warp Spiders. This was the matchup I really didn’t want. More and more you see Eldars with bikes and heavy shooting and less spider spam, but dammit, I drew the Eldar that was spamming them. Luckily for me, local folk hero Eric, played an identical list against me at least 5 times; so I knew what to expect. Also, I remember Jason saying it was his 3rd time playing Eldar, or something like that, I don’t know; english is hard, yo.

Capital City Blood Bath

Jason null deployed his army, and the game me the time to be on the objectives before he could. this allowed me to contest them and get more of my stuff buffed. This put him on his back foot the entire game as he had to react to what I was doing.


I won 20-10 in the game and Jason was my favorite opponent of the tournament. I was lucky that he null deployed is army. The 1st thing he said after the game was

” I should have put my entire army on the board right?”

A lesson learned the hard way. I’m not looking forward to a rematch, ever, I’ll definitely lose next time.

Game 5 :

I’m playing my hotel roomie PL and his Necron decurion. The mission is a lot of objectives and no kill points, which is great because it makes the game practically un-losable from my side.

Capital City Blood Bath

I won’t go too much into the game, as it was utterly boring. I killed like 4 necrons total, including one that mishaped off the board ( Take that destroyer lord! ) and summonned roughly 1500 points of daemons to go on objectives every turn.

It wasn’t fancy, but it was effective and I promptly scored 30 points.

Capital City Blood Bath

Game 6 :

I was playing well known Competitive 40K poster Diogo and his Bark-Star. The bark Star is a fenrisian wolf formation from Curse of the Wulfen that allows you to merge 5 units together, so you get a 70-strong unit of dogs. Add-in Azrael, Samael and a Librarius Conclave, and you get pretty much all the special rules in the game twice. It’s a really cool army.

Capital City Blood Bath

Another mission with no kill points, however you mark for death a unit ( i picked scouts, he picked my furries ) and you get 10 points if that’s dead at the end of the game. Needless to say, we both got that. I rolled all my spells in malefic, as there was once again no kill points, for my allegiance to malefic I was  rewarded with a grand total of 0 cursed earth’s. Yay me.

The game tilted my way when Diogo separated Sammael to go kill some horrors and got stuck in close combat, allowing me to stop him from hit and run with summoned units. This and a multi-charge rule confusion made it possible for me to summon enough line blocking units to keep my screamer star safe and sound behind squichy units.


I won 19-11 that game, despite failing grimoire 3 turns in a row with a re-roll. It was a much closer game than the points would suggest and could’ve gone either way multiple times.

As it turns out, my 5-1 record, along with the decent paint job, earned me 4th Overall and the title of  Best General. The venue and tables were the best I’ve seen of all the events I’ve been too except the Quebec City Open, of course; that tournament is best.


If you enjoyed the frenchie’s particular brand of humor and writing, he has a ton of this stuff on his blog, Hellfire Painting, that you should definitely check out.