New “Skulz” Promotion From Games Workshop?

By Rob Baer | September 6th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Pictures are going around this morning of a curious little punch card from Games Workshop that may look familiar to a lot of hobby veterans out there.

This picture is making the rounds on Facebook already this morning, and at this point it’s unsourceable.

new skulls chaplain?

From the looks of the graphic it’s a way to bring folks back to a new store after opening, but it appears from the text that you have to get 10 stamps just for the right to purchase the mini.

More as we know it folks this one is bound to be a hot topic for sure.

Last Year’s “Skulz” Program:


Apparently, the system goes like this:

  1. Spend 150 Euros -> free dice (unsure if just one or multiple);
  2. Spend 300 Euros -> free pin (just Tzeentch or is there a choice?);
  3. Spend 400 Euros -> free t-shirt (again, only one choice?).

The 1990’s Skulz Program:

Way back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s Games Workshop had a customer rewards program for Mail Order Customers.

They called it the ‘Skullz’ program and it rocked.  I actually managed to save up enough points to score the Adeptus Mechanicus squad which I still have to this day, but the Baneblade kit escaped me.

Learn more about the Skullz Progarm