X-Wing’s Top 5 Lists Before Wave 9 Hits

By Barclay Montgomery | September 1st, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

xwing falcon star wars

The latest standings for the Star Wars X-Wing game are in and we have the Top 5 lists that are dominating the meta right now thanks to Mini Ranker. Are these the five best lists in X-Wing? Check it out!


List #1

IG88‑C + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim
IG88‑B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim

That’s right, Scum is back on top baby! These guys seem to always narrowly avoid damage and come back with super accurate return fire. IG-88B maximizes offense with his ability to fire again if he misses. IG-88C is all about defense and action economy with his ability to hand out evades when boosting. Glitterstim helps in those tight situations and Fire Control System keeps the target locks flowing.

tie interceptor

List #2

Soontir Fel + Stealth Device + Push The Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters
Omicron Group Pilot + Sensor Jammer + Emperor Palpatine
The Inquisitor + Push The Limit + Autothrusters + TIE/v1

Imperials continue to dominate the lists as well. Soontir Fel is the most dangerous fighter out there and he always seems to slip right past your firing arcs. The Inquisitor is the sniper of the bunch, hanging back safely at range 3 and getting range 1 shots all day. The Emperor is here as well, albeit with more defense thanks to the Sensor Jammer.

Star Wars X-Wing TIE Phantom

List #3

Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Fire‑Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device + Agent Kallus
Captain Yorr + Emperor Palpatine
Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay

Whisper and Omega Leader can be a really big problem for your list by themselves. When they are in the same list, you’ve got trouble. Emperor Palpatine showed up to personally oversee all the butt kicking they will do. Captain Yorr eats stress tokens to keep these aces stress free so they can have all the tokens that they like best; focus and evades.


List #4

Dengar + Lone Wolf + Countermeasures + Inertial Dampeners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Zuckuss + Overclocked R4 + Punishing One
Manaroo + Engine Upgrade + Push The Limit + Feedback Array + K4 Security Droid + Unhinged Astromech

Next up we have a a double Jump master list. This is however, but a different one than what you were probably expecting. Dengar is super fun to fly and just dares your opponent to fire at him. With Lone Wolf, Dengar will be able to reroll his blanks for offense and defense. Zuckuss will help him ensure that damage goes through to your enemies. Manaroo is the ultimate wing lady; she supports Dengar by feeding him tokens and target locks.

TIE Fighter Animation

List #5

Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay
Black Squadron Pilot + Crack Shot x4

Omega Leader and Wampa; these guys are best buds. Omega Leader dishes out some pain first and let’s his swarm of Black Squadron pilots feast on the wounded prey. If the target is still squirming Wampa will give it a mercy killing for ya!

That’s a wrap up for the Top 5 X-wing lists on the scene currently. What new lists will we see out there now that Wave 10 is on the street?Stay tuned to get the latest when we find out.

What do you guys think? Are these the top 5? Did we get our order wrong?