Iron Hands, Titanic Will – Knight of Legend

Put your hands up for the Iron Hands and Lil’ Legend. This awesome commission is of an impressive Imperial Knight Titan! March forth for the Emperor!

Imperial Knight Titan
Imperial Knight Titan
ironhandstitanllc03 Imperial Knight Titan Lil' Legend - Iron Hands Knight Titan Commission5 Imperial Knight Titan Imperial Knight Titan
This Imperial Knight Titan is a small combat walker; a one-man version of a Titan.  Imperial Knights are smaller and less capable in combat than the smallest class of true Titan; the War-Hound Class Scout Titan. 
Knights normally deploy in squadrons comprised of several of these war machines. These ancient battlesuits stand thirty to forty feet tall and are protected by nearly impenetrable Ion Shields. They are armed with a devastating array of heavy weapons. Imperial Knights are colossal war machines that tower over the battlefield. 
Propelled into battle by powerful servos, they have the power to kick over tanks and crush soldiers into red paste! Vulnerable limbs and joints are protected by sweeping armour plates of adamantium.  Supported by an incorporated Ion Shield which responds to thought-commands of it’s noble pilot. The presence of just one of these towering engines of destruction is enough to change the course of a battle. Only the Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus are more feared by the enemies of Mankind.

Paints used: Vallejo, Reaper Master Series, Games Workshop Washes,

Com Art Medea Airbrush Airbrush: Iwata Hi-Line HP-CH Airbrush

Paint Brushes: Rosemary & Co. Raphael 8040, Broken Toad Brushes, Windsor and Newton Series 7

Stay up to date with all of their projects at Lil Legend Studio

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