New Primarchs, Black Crusades, & Webway War RUMORS

By Rob Baer | October 15th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the breaking rumors about new Primarchs, Black Crusades, and the War in the Webway?


Grab your salt pills, as we just got more grade “A” rumors from one of the best, Squiggly:

I could well be wrong with this, but I don’t think that artwork is from the Fenris book. Rather it’s from the following “Black Crusade” book.

Who’s ready for a War in the Webway?

It’s also worth noting that any further Primarchs will be a way off. Expect the “2” within the next year, but the others aren’t coming any time soon.

Either way 40k’s future releases look to be super SPICY!

New Chaos Miniatures Discussion

May we hobby in interesting times….

Sad Panda answers a burning question:

Q: I thought Sad Panda… ‘suggested’ it would be Magnus/Angron/Fulgrim for team evil and Guilliman/Leman Russ for team Imperium?

At least to start with…

Though Dorn in a centurion suit would amuse me.

A: No. I only know of one other not-FW primarch in the pipeline. He’ll be “Team Imperium” and part of setting up the story for 8th.

There may be more I simply haven’t heard about, but as with Daemonkin, I can assure you that there is no plan to go through the four Chaos Gods with symmetrical releases. That’s not how the 40K story evolution for the next year or so (from the tiny bits I know) is set up.

Who so that looks to be a confirm of a previous DORN LIVES rumor from earlier below, AND a bit of a step back from the legions rumors we heard earlier in the week.


GW’s BIG Reveal & 30k Previous Rumorby Squiggly & More:

Looks like we’ll be seeing new versions of Thousand sons for both 30k and 40k, even if the 30k sprues are “generic”, and another primarch fatally wounded by his brother may yet live…

First of the Sad Panda strikes with this missive:

It’s not. The HH Marines in the game will be generic (except for the two characters).

But they come from the same CAD portfolio. Take, say, the computer models of generic 30K Tartaros Pattern Terminators, add 40K bling, change poses, switch a few weapons -> 40K Rubric Terminators. Saves time and effort and costs.

Same for the Tzeentch models. It was a massive design portfolio that included everything from Tzaangors to LoC and Magnus. They may not be the same sprue, but include lots of computer “bitz” and design elements from a large, newly created Tzeentch-design-elements-library.

(Similar approach for Khorne, Stormcast, etc..).

Then Squggly chimes in with this about the Praetorian of Terra:


The way I see it, you can fit the Primarchs into categories of “will they turn up?”

Most likely to be active (active in the galaxy or at least physically around):
Loyalist: Guilliman (in Ultramar), Lion El Johnson (In the Rock)
Traitor: Angron, Magnus (confirmed, obviously :P), Fulgrim, Mortarion, Perturabo, Lorgar (All Daemon Princes)

Could feasably turn up (Fate unknown or otherwise missing):
Loyalist: Corvus, Vulkan, Russ, Khan (All disappeared)
Dorn (his fate is kinda weird in that he’s considered dead but *might* not actually be)
Traitor: Alpharius (No-one can really say what happened to him, or even who he is. He’s Alpharius)

Don’t think so (Dead.):
Loyalist: Dorn(?), Ferrus (Dead), Sanguinius (Very dead)
Traitor: Konrad, Horus (Unless GW pull something, I guess :P)

Hurrah for boredom. I’m probably wrong somewhere .-.

A: Dorn is very much alive.

Primarch Rogal Dorn

GW’s BIG Reveal & 30k Previous Rumorby Squiggly & More:

Checkout what Squiggly has to say about even MORE Daemon primarch that may be on the horizon, along with fan favorite Chaos cult legion rules:

To quote myself;
“The Cults will be expanded to the point they can form their own mini codexes with the Traitor Primarchs at their head”

Q:What is a mini codex? Each of the Cults appears mixed into a Campaign Supplement?
A:Think Genestealer Cultists/Harlequins/Deathwatch.
A codex built around a few unique things, and then filled out with more generic stuff to make it a full codex.

Q:Fulgrim has been strangely absent from all the primarch rumors:(
A:He’ll be the last of the Cult Primarchs to get done.
Either Angron/Mortation are the next Daemon Primarchs to get released. I’m not 100% on the order though. I heard about Angron first, but that doesn’t mean alot

The Start of Something BIG:


First off new art: Looks like Arhiman may be fist bumping with Magnus soon – Definitely post Heresy here.  Checkout the Thousand Sons decked out in the fore.

Next up is what they say is a new Thousand Sons sprue, which looks to be styled after the old Berzerker models with split legs perhaps. Shoulder pads and heads look the be on the left side. Or it may not be a new sprue at all, either way Tzeentch is pleased.


The full model revealed!

and the quote heard round the world:

Cool this isn’t released for months yet. <Long Pause> Plastic Sisters of Battle!

Mark this day down folks, as the hobby looks to have changed forever. Either that or we just got the biggest troll from GW, either way a good time was had by all…

Earlier today we saw this, perhaps it came form one of those trash bins?

Daemon Magnus Primarch Model the red plastic leak pictures

What appears to be a box for a brand new Plastic Magnus Daemon primarch model (judging by the size) is here.  If I was a betting man I would say this kit will be well over the $100 mark when it releases based on the Bloodthirster, Alarielle, and Celestant Prime models.

So lot’s more to digest today folks, make sure you take your salt pills, this fall’s releases looks to be super SPICY!

Previous 30k Rumors by Squiggly and More